Daniella Johansson

Showing 20 publications


Integration of Fischer-Tropsch fuel production with a complex oil refinery

Daniella Johansson, Thore Berntsson, Per-Åke Franck
International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development. Vol. 13 (1), p. 50-73
Journal article

Comparative study of Fischer-Tropsch production and post-combustion CO2 capture at an oil refinery: Economic evaluation and GHG (greenhouse gas emissions) balances

Daniella Johansson, Per-Åke Franck, Karin Pettersson et al
Energy. Vol. 59, p. 387-401
Journal article

CO2 capture in oil refineries: Assessment of the capture avoidance costs associated with different heat supply options in a future energy market

Daniella Johansson, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
Energy Conversion and Management. Vol. 66, p. 127-142
Journal article

Transition pathway towards a sustainable and competitive production of energy commodities and materials

Viktor Andersson, Maria Arvidsson, Jean-Florian Brau et al
International Process Integration Jubilee Conference 2013
Conference poster

Assessment of strategies for CO2 abatement in the European petroleum refining industry

Daniella Johansson, Johan Rootzén, Thore Berntsson et al
Energy. Vol. 42 (1), p. 375-386
Journal article

Integration of Fischer-Tropsch Diesel Production with a Complex Oil Refinery

Daniella Johansson, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
In Proceedings of SDEWES – the 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 1-7 July 2012, p. paper 082-
Paper in proceeding

Heat supply alternatives for CO2 capture in the process industry

Daniella Johansson, Jonas Sjöblom, Thore Berntsson
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 8, p. 217-232
Journal article

Hydrogen production from biomass gasification in the oil refining industry - A system analysis

Daniella Johansson, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
Energy. Vol. 38 (1), p. 212-227
Journal article

CCS in the Skagerrak/Kattegat-region - Assessment of an intraregional CCS infrastructure and legal framework

Jan Kjärstad, D. Langlet, Daniella Johansson et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 4, p. 2793-2800
Paper in proceeding

CO2 capture in oil refineries-an evaluation of different heat integration possibilities for heat supply to the post-combustion process

Daniella Johansson, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, No.57. World Renweable Energy Congress 2011, May 8-13, Linköping, Sweden (CC0381)
Paper in proceeding

Options for Increased Use and Refining of Biomass – the Case of Energy-intensive Industry in Sweden

Hanna Ljungstedt, Daniella Johansson, Kersti Karltorp et al
Conference proceedings from World Renewable Energy Congress 2011
Paper in proceeding

Methodology for assessing process integration of new technologies in the oil refining industry

Daniella Johansson, Thore Berntsson
Methods and Models, p. 75-78
Book chapter

Strategies for CO2 abatement in the European petroleum refining industry

Daniella Johansson, Johan Rootzén
EUROPEAN ENERGY PATHWAYS - Pathways to a Sustainable European Energy System, p. 335-340
Book chapter

Biomass gasification for hydrogen production in refineries

Daniella Johansson, Thore Berntsson
EUROPEAN ENERGY PATHWAYS - Pathways to a Sustainable European Energy System, p. 341-344
Book chapter

Räcker biomassan till svensk energiintensiv industri?

Maria Johansson, Daniella Johansson, Kersti Karltorp et al
Energimagasinet. Vol. 33 (7), p. 30-31
Magazine article

A process integration analysis of H2 production from gasification of biomass in the oil refining industry

Daniella Johansson, Per-Åke Franck, Thore Berntsson
7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 7, 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2010, conference proceedings ((0881))
Paper in proceeding

Pathways for Increased Use and Refining of Biomass in Swedish Energy-intensive Industry

Daniella Johansson, Hanna Ljungstedt, Kersti Karltorp et al

An Analysis for identifying Energy Saving Opportunities for a Petrochemical Cluster in Times of Climate Change

Daniella Johansson, Simon Harvey
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 18 (Part 1), p. 469-474
Paper in proceeding

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