Anton Klintberg

Showing 7 publications


Kalman filter for adaptive learning of two-dimensional look-up tables applied to OCV-curves for aged battery cells

Anton Klintberg, Changfu Zou, B. Fridholm et al
Control Engineering Practice. Vol. 84, p. 230-237
Journal article

Adaption of 2-D look-up tables applied to OCV-curves for aged battery cells

Anton Klintberg, Torsten Wik
Other conference contribution

Power capability prediction for lithium-ion batteries using economic nonlinear model predictive control

Changfu Zou, Anton Klintberg, Zhongbao Wei et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 396, p. 580-589
Journal article

Estimating power capability of aged lithium-ion batteries in presence of communication delays

Björn Fridholm, Torsten Wik, H. Kuusisto et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 383, p. 24-33
Journal article

Theoretical bounds on the accuracy of state and parameter estimation for batteries

Anton Klintberg, Torsten Wik, B. Fridholm
American Control Conference, p. 4035-4041
Paper in proceeding

Statistical modeling of OCV curves for aged battery cells

Anton Klintberg, Emil Klintberg, Björn Fridholm et al
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 50 (1), p. 2164-2168
Paper in proceeding

Cramér-Rao Lower Bounds for Battery Estimation

Anton Klintberg, Björn Fridholm, Torsten Wik
Other conference contribution

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Showing 1 research projects


Battery Management

Torsten Wik Automatic Control
Changfu Zou Automatic Control
Anton Klintberg Automatic Control
Patrik Johansson Condensed Matter Physics

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