Kasper Westman

Doctoral Student at Materials Physics

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 2 publications


Ten Ways to Fool the Masses When Presenting Battery Research

Patrik Johansson, Sajid Alvi, Pedram Ghorbanzade et al
Batteries and Supercaps. Vol. 4 (12), p. 1785 -1788
Other text in scientific journal

Diglyme based electrolytes for sodium-ion batteries

Kasper Westman, Romain Dugas, Piotr Jankowski et al
ACS Applied Energy Materials. Vol. 1 (6), p. 2671-2680
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Energy storage for grid support and priming of renewable energy applications based on sodium-ion batteries

Evelina Wikner Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Kasper Westman Materials Physics
Torbjörn Thiringer Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Patrik Johansson Materials Physics
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists
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