Kelley Michelle Hess
I am the Scientific Lead for the Swedish SKA Regional Center (SWE-SRC). My research interests are in environmentally-driven galaxy evolution, especially in the group and cluster environment. I'm an expert in extragalactic radio astronomy, but study galaxies, groups, and clusters from a multi-wavelength perspective. I'm a member of several small to large collaborations including CHILES, Apertif, WEAVE-Apertif, LADUMA, WALLABY, 4HS. I have also occasionally dabbled in OH megamasers, barred galaxies, extraplanar gas in galaxies. I contribute to developing software tools for spectral line surveys including leading the SoFiA Image Pipeline, and an Advanced Data Product pipeline for ALMA (under development).

Showing 10 publications
WALLABY Pilot Survey: KNN identification of perturbed galaxies through H i morphometrics
The discovery of a z = 0.7092 OH megamaser with the MIGHTEE survey
WEAVE First Light Observations: Origin and Dynamics of the Shock Front in Stephan's Quintet
The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies - effects of environment on angular momentum
Photometry and kinematics of dwarf galaxies from the Apertif H i survey
Formation of a Massive Lenticular Galaxy Under the Tidal Interaction with a Group of Dwarf Galaxies
Apertif 1.4 GHz continuum observations of the Boötes field and their combined view with LOFAR
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