Baraa Khuder

Senior Lecturer at Language and Communication image

Showing 13 publications


What moves with us when we move? Possible Future Academic Selves in trajectories of exile

Baraa Khuder, Bojana Petrić
Language and the Knowledge Economy: Multilingual Scholarly Publishing in Europe, p. 111-128
Book chapter

Developing a Micro-Curriculum for Critical AI Literacy in a PhD-Level Academic Writing Course

Sindija Franzetti, Wanyu Ou, Baraa Khuder et al
Other conference contribution

Conceptualising and cultivating Critical GAI Literacy in doctoral academic writing

Wanyu Ou, Baraa Khuder, Sindija Franzetti et al
Journal of Second Language Writing. Vol. 66
Journal article

Case studies

Raffaella Negretti, Baraa Khuder
Conducting Genre-Based Research In Applied Linguistics: A Methodological Guide, p. 13-34
Book chapter

Intersectionality of marginalisation: EAL academics in exile writing for international publication

Baraa Khuder, Bojana Petrić
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Academic texts in motion: A text history study of co-authorship interactions in writing for publication

Baraa Khuder, Bojana Petrić
Journal of English for Research Publication Purposes. Vol. 3 (1), p. 51-77
Journal article

Academic Literacy Development : Perspectives on Multilingual Scholars' Approches to Writing

Baraa Khuder
ESP Today - Journal of English for Specific Purposes. Vol. 10 (1), p. 190-194
Other text in scientific journal

Helping EAL academics navigate asymmetrical power relations in co-authorship: Research-based materials for ERPP workshops

Baraa Khuder, Bojana Petrić
Writing and Pedagogy. Vol. 14 (1), p. 1-21
Journal article

Walking on thin ice: Reflexivity in doing ethnography

Baraa Khuder, Bojana Petrić
Ethnographies of academic writing research. Theory, methods, and interpretation, p. 106-123
Book chapter

Academic socialisation through collaboration: Textual interventions in supporting exiled scholars' academic literacies development

Baraa Khuder, Bojana Petrić
Journal article

L2 Writing Task Representation in Test-Like and Non-Test-Like Situations

Baraa Khuder, Nigel Harwood
Written Communication. Vol. 36 (4), p. 578-632
Journal article

Writing in Test and Non-test Situations: Process and Product

Baraa Khuder, Nigel Harwood
Journal of Writing Research. Vol. 6 (3)
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Designing and improving a micro-curriculum on Critical Generative AI Literacy for doctoral students

Raffaella Negretti Language and Communication
Sindija Franzetti Language and Communication
Wanyu Ou Language and Communication
Raffaella Negretti Language and Communication
Baraa Khuder Language and Communication

3 publications exist
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