Pavlo Krasov
Pavlo Krasov is a postdoctoral researcher in the Antenna systems group, focusing his activity on OTA antenna characterization techniques.
Pavlo is involved in a project related to the design and verification of a new antenna test environment with the aim to develop new and effective methods for performance and conformance testing of active antenna systems. This project is running in collaboration with Ericsson and Bluetest.

Showing 14 publications
Contactless Measurement of a D-Band On-Chip Antenna Using an Integrated Reflective Load Switch
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for OTA Testing: Wireless Cable
A Varactor-Based Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Concept for 5G/6G mm-Wave Applications
Optimization of the TRP evaluation in Anechoic-Reverberation Hybrid Chamber
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for OTA Testing: Optimization and Initial Results
Characterization and Calibration of the Hybrid OTA Chamber Using a Field Scanner
The Hybrid Chamber for OTA measurements: Plane Wave Spectrum Quality Vs. Dynamic Range Trade-off
Multipath Rician Channel Simulation in the Test Zone of a Hybrid OTA Chamber
A New Hybrid Chamber for Generating a Spectrum of Oblique Incident Plane Waves at the DUT
Emulating Rician distributed channels in a hybrid chamber for OTA measurements
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Showing 1 research projects
OTA - Over-The-Air Characterization of Active Integrated Antennas for Mobile Systems