Lauren Meredith

Showing 10 publications


Mapping equestrian injuries and injury incidence in Sweden using insurance registry data

Lauren Meredith, Helena Stigson
Translational Sports Medicine. Vol. 3 (1), p. 46-54
Journal article

Mapping fractures from traffic accidents in Sweden: How do cyclists compare to other road users?

Lauren Meredith, Jordanka Kovaceva, András Bálint
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 21 (3), p. 209-214
Journal article

Assessing the performance of motorcyclists’ impact protectors in simulated ATD knee and shoulder impacts

Lauren Meredith, B. Albanese, T. Whyte et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 20 (2), p. 169-173
Journal article

Equestrian-related injuries, predictors of fatalities, and the impact on the public health system in Sweden

Lauren Meredith, Robert Thomson, Robert Ekman et al
Public Health. Vol. 168, p. 67-75
Journal article

Analyses of injuries to equestrians in a Swedish district over a 16-year period

Lauren Meredith, Karin Brolin, Robert Ekman et al
Translational Sports Medicine. Vol. 2 (5), p. 264-272
Journal article

Horse riding injuries and factors for predicting injuries to the head

Lauren Meredith, Robert Ekman, Robert Thomson
Other conference contribution

Epidemiology of Equestrian Accidents: a Literature Review

Lauren Meredith, Robert Ekman, Karin Brolin
The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences & Practice. Vol. 17 (1)
Review article

Horse-related incidents and factors for predicting injuries to the head

Lauren Meredith, Robert Ekman, Robert Thomson
BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine. Vol. 4 (1)
Journal article

Painting the picture of horse-related injuries in Sweden and factors for preventing injuries to the head

Lauren Meredith, Robert Ekman, Robert Thomson
Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI. Vol. 2018-September, p. 313-314
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 2 research projects


Kartläggning av hästrelaterade skador samt deras orsaker och strategier för prevention

Robert Thomson Vehicle Safety
Lauren Meredith Vehicle Safety
Robert Ekman Building Design
Region Västra Götaland
Folksams forskningsstiftelse


Injury mechanisms in cycling accidents resulting in fractures

Mats Svensson Vehicle Safety
Marianne Andersson Person Injury Prevention
Per Lövsund Applied Mechanics
Lauren Meredith Vehicle Safety
Jordanka Kovaceva Vehicle Safety
Swedish Transport Administration

2 publications exist
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