Lin Jianfeng

Showing 11 publications


Hydrodynamic response of swinging or slewing rotating cylinders subject to a ship's rolling motion

Lin Jianfeng, Shizhao Wang, Huadong Yao et al
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 36 (6)
Journal article

Intelligent control of the Magnus anti-rolling device: A co-simulation approach

Lin Jianfeng, Shizhao Wang, Huadong Yao et al
Ocean Engineering. Vol. 312
Journal article

Comprehensive Investigation of Flow Dynamics around Rotating Cylinders

Lin Jianfeng, Shizhao Wang, Huadong Yao et al
2024 EFDC1
Paper in proceeding

Angle of attack impact on flow characteristics around finite-length rotating columns

Lin Jianfeng, Shizhao Wang, Huadong Yao et al
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 36 (6)
Journal article

Influence of jet flow on hydrodynamic performance of a ducted propeller

Chunyu Guo, Chun Yang, Cong Sun et al
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 35 (12)
Journal article

Hydrodynamic performance of a rim-driven thruster improved with gap geometry adjustment

Lin Jianfeng, Huadong Yao, Chao Wang et al
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 17 (1)
Journal article

Shape optimization and hydrodynamic simulation of a Magnus anti-rolling device based on fully parametric modeling

Lin Jianfeng, Huadong Yao, Yang Han et al
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 35 (5)
Journal article

Numerical investigation of the scale effects of pump-jet propulsor with a pre-swirl stator

Chunyu Guo, Chun Yang, Cong Sun et al
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 35
Journal article

Hydrodynamic simulation for evaluating Magnus anti-rolling devices with varying angles of attack

Lin Jianfeng, Chun yu Guo, Da gang Zhao et al
Ocean Engineering. Vol. 260
Journal article

Intelligent ship anti-rolling control system based on a deep deterministic policy gradient algorithm and the Magnus effect

Lin Jianfeng, Yang Han, Chunyu Guo et al
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 34 (5)
Journal article

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