Yi Liu

Showing 5 publications


Metabolic Engineering of Yeast

Rui Pereira, Olena Ishchuk, Xiaowei Li et al
Metabolic Engineering: Concepts and Applications: Volume 13a and 13b. Vol. 13, p. 689-733
Book chapter

De novo biosynthesis of bioactive isoflavonoids by engineered yeast cell factories

Quanli Liu, Yi Liu, Gang Li et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 12 (1)
Journal article

Engineering yeast phospholipid metabolism for de novo oleoylethanolamide production

Yi Liu, Quanli Liu, Anastasia Krivoruchko et al
Nature Chemical Biology. Vol. 16 (2), p. 197-205
Journal article

Current state of aromatics production using yeast: achievements and challenges

Quanli Liu, Yi Liu, Yun Chen et al
Current Opinion in Biotechnology. Vol. 65, p. 65-74
Review article

Recent trends in metabolic engineering of microbial chemical factories

Yi Liu, Jens B Nielsen
Current Opinion in Biotechnology. Vol. 60, p. 188-197
Review article

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