Johan Lundin
Showing 48 publications
Retrospective Tagging in Online Discussions as a Method for Collaborative Reflection and Learning
Exploring the Relationship between Sanctioned and Unsanctioned Laptop use in a 1:1 Classroom.
Laptops in classroom interaction: Deconstructing the networked situation
Attitudes towards IT and use of LMS in Teacher Education: A Swedish case study.
The sociomateriality of designing and using competence management systems.
Vad gör studenter med sina laptops? – en explorativ studie.
Teachers’ arguments for NOT using laptops in the 1:1 classroom.
Young carers as co-designers of a web-based support system - the views of two publics
Using TPACK for Analysing Teachers’ Task Design – Understanding Change in a 1:1-Laptop Setting
Using TPACK for Analysing Teachers’ Task Design: Understanding Change in a 1:1-Laptop Setting.
Young carers as co-designers of a web-based support system - the views of two publics.
ONE-TO-ONE - A model for transformation of ICT-use in Swedish schools
Integrating students’ mobile technology in higher education
Webbresurser i samtal: Att använda en wiki för instruktion och lärande
A new agenda for research on higher education and information technology
Coping with dualities in network action research: methodological issues
Practice based design for learning at work.
Formulating text: The practice of commenting in academic writing instruction
Talking about tools – Investigating learning at work in police practice
Seeing Ethnographically: Teaching ethnography as part of CSCW
Everyday interaction - an empirical study of a mobile practice
Putting the Dog Back in the Park: Animal and Human Mind-in-Action
Coordinating police work with mobile information technology
Designing Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Activities for Specific Contexts
Collaborative learning in mobile work
Mobile Scenarios - Supporting Collaborative Learning Among Mobile Workers
Synchronizing Aynchronous Collaborative Learners
Mobile Scenarios: Supporting learning among mobile people
Designing for Computer Supported Collaborative Learning in Work
Sharing best practice among mobile workers
Techniques for Synchronizing Distributed Participants in a Net-Scenario
Walking & Talking - Sharing best practice
Mobile Competence Development for Nomads
MobiLearn: Competence Development for Nomads
Mobile Competence Development for Nomads
Mobile Scenarios: Supporting Collaborative Learning among Mobile People
Mandatory Participation in Asynchronous Learning Networks
Mandatory Participation in Asynchronous Learning Networks
MobiLearn - Education for Mobile People
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