Johan Lundin

Showing 48 publications


Learning the discourse of quality assurance: a case of workplace learning in online in-service training.

Mona Lundin, Johan Lundin
Journal of Workplace Learning. Vol. 28 (3), p. 98-114
Journal article

Retrospective Tagging in Online Discussions as a Method for Collaborative Reflection and Learning

Johan Lundin, Patrik Lilja
CSCL proceedings. Vol. 2, p. 785-786
Paper in proceeding

Exploring the Relationship between Sanctioned and Unsanctioned Laptop use in a 1:1 Classroom.

Martin Tallvid, Johan Lundin, Lars Svensson et al
Educational Technology and Society. Vol. 18 (1), p. 237-249
Journal article

Laptops in classroom interaction: Deconstructing the networked situation

Tomas Lindroth, Johan Lundin, Lars Svensson
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning. Vol. 25 (2), p. 226-240
Journal article

Can Facebook be used to increase scientific literacy? A case study of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Facebook page and ocean literacy

Geraldine Fauville, Samuel Dupont, von Thun S et al
Computers and Education. Vol. 82, p. 60-73
Journal article

Attitudes towards IT and use of LMS in Teacher Education: A Swedish case study.

Karin Ekman, Johan Lundin, Lars Svensson
Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, p. 900-906
Paper in proceeding

The illusion of structure: about harmonization and variation in competence management system practices in a public healthcare organization

Johan Lundin, Lars Svensson, Ulrika Lundh Snis
ECIS 2015 Completed Research Papers (Paper 126)
Paper in proceeding

Benefit of adjuvant interferon alfa-2b (IFN-α) therapy in melanoma patients with high serum MMP-8 levels.

Pia Vihinen, Taina Tervahartiala, Timo Sorsa et al
Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy
Journal article

The sociomateriality of designing and using competence management systems.

Johan Lundin, Lars Svensson, Ulrika Lundh Snis
Other conference contribution

Vad gör studenter med sina laptops? – en explorativ studie.

Linda Nordström, Johan Lundin
Lärare i den uppkopplade skolan
Book chapter

Teachers’ arguments for NOT using laptops in the 1:1 classroom.

Martin Tallvid, Johan Lundin, Berner Lindström
Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, p. 2669-2676
Paper in proceeding

Young carers as co-designers of a web-based support system - the views of two publics

Mikael Elf, Hans Rystedt, Johan Lundin et al
Informatics for health & social care. Vol. 37 (4), p. 203-216
Journal article

Using TPACK for Analysing Teachers’ Task Design – Understanding Change in a 1:1-Laptop Setting

Martin Tallvid, Johan Lundin, Berner Lindström
Paper in proceeding

Using TPACK for Analysing Teachers’ Task Design: Understanding Change in a 1:1-Laptop Setting.

Martin Tallvid, Johan Lundin, Berner Lindström
Research Highlights Technology and Teacher Education 2012
Book chapter

Young carers as co-designers of a web-based support system - the views of two publics.

Mikael Elf, Hans Rystedt, Johan Lundin et al
Advances in Health Care Sciences Conference, Oct 18-19 2011, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, p. p. 46-
Paper in proceeding

ONE-TO-ONE - A model for transformation of ICT-use in Swedish schools

Martin Tallvid, Kristina Björn, Berner Lindström et al
CITE Research Symposium 2010- e-Lerning Design and Designs for Learning, Hong Kong, 4-6 March, 2010
Paper in proceeding

Integrating students’ mobile technology in higher education

Johan Lundin, Gustav Lymer, Lars Erik Holmquist et al
International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation. Vol. 4 (1), p. 1-14
Journal article

Vad gör dom duktiga duktiga? - Konflikter som analytiska verktyg för att beskriva kompetens i vardag, informationssystem och sociokulturell teori

Johan Lundin, Lars Svensson, Lena Pareto et al
Samhälle, teknik och lärande
Book chapter

Webbresurser i samtal: Att använda en wiki för instruktion och lärande

Gustav Lymer, Johan Lundin
Rystedt, H. & Säljö, R. (Red), Kunskap och människans redskap: Teknik och lärande, p. 161-178
Book chapter

A new agenda for research on higher education and information technology

Johan Lundin, Urban Nuldén, Lars Svensson
IRIS31 - The 31st Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia. Vol. 31
Paper in proceeding

Coping with dualities in network action research: methodological issues

Johan Lundin, Lars Svensson, Lena Pareto et al
Paper in proceeding

Practice based design for learning at work.

Johan Lundin, Lars Svensson, Ulrika Lundh Snis et al
International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learnin. Vol. 1 (4), p. 17-23
Journal article

Web based platforms in co-located practice: The use of a wiki as support for learning and instruction

Gustav Lymer, Johan Lundin, Barry Brown et al
In C. Chinn, G. Erkenns & S. Puntambekar (Eds.), Computer Support for Collaborative Learning: Of Mice, Minds, and Society. Mawah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, p. 476-485
Paper in proceeding

Formulating text: The practice of commenting in academic writing instruction

Gustav Lymer, Johan Lundin
Paper presented at EARLI, August 28 - September 1, Budapest, Hungary
Paper in proceeding

Talking about tools – Investigating learning at work in police practice

Johan Lundin, Urban Nuldén
Journal of Workplace Learning. Vol. 19 (4), p. 222-239
Journal article

Seeing Ethnographically: Teaching ethnography as part of CSCW

Barry Brown, Johan Lundin, Gustav Lymer et al
In L. J. Bannon, I. Wagner, C. Gutwin, R. H. R. Harper & K. Schmidt (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. London: Springer, p. 411-430
Paper in proceeding

Everyday interaction - an empirical study of a mobile practice

Tomas Lindroth, Johan Lundin
Paper in proceeding

Putting the Dog Back in the Park: Animal and Human Mind-in-Action

E. Laurier, R. Maze, Johan Lundin
Mind, Culture, and Activity. Vol. 13 (1), p. 2-24
Journal article

Coordinating police work with mobile information technology

Johan Lundin, Urban Nuldén
Paper in proceeding

Designing Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Activities for Specific Contexts

Johan Lundin
Psychnology. Vol. 2 (2), p. 205-228
Journal article

Guiding Design for Waiting

Johan Lundin, Lina Larsson
The interaction society, p. 319-344
Book chapter

Collaborative learning in mobile work

Johan Lundin, maria magnusson
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. Vol. 19 (3), p. 273-283
Journal article

Mobile Scenarios - Supporting Collaborative Learning Among Mobile Workers

Johan Lundin, Urban Nuldén
Educating Managers with Tommorrow's Technologies, p. 173-190
Book chapter

Synchronizing Aynchronous Collaborative Learners

Johan Lundin
proceedings of the Communities & Technologies conference, p. 427-433
Paper in proceeding

Mobile Scenarios: Supporting learning among mobile people

Urban Nuldén, Johan Lundin
Educating Managers with Tomorrow’s Technologies, Charles Wankel and Robert DeFillippi (Eds.)
Journal article

Designing for Computer Supported Collaborative Learning in Work

Johan Lundin
Paper in proceeding

Sharing best practice among mobile workers

Johan Lundin, maria magnusson
Paper in proceeding

Techniques for Synchronizing Distributed Participants in a Net-Scenario

Johan Lundin, Farshad Taghizadeh
International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education
Paper in proceeding

Walking & Talking - Sharing best practice

Johan Lundin, maria magnusson
IEEE International Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Technologies in Education
Paper in proceeding

Mobile Competence Development for Nomads

Christian Hardless, Johan Lundin, Urban Nuldén
Proceedings of HICSS-34
Journal article

MobiLearn: Competence Development for Nomads

Johan Lundin, Urban Nuldén, Lars M. Persson
2001 conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI)
Paper in proceeding

Mobile Competence Development for Nomads

Urban Nuldén, Christian Hardless, Johan Lundin
the proceedings of HICSS-34
Journal article

Mobile Scenarios: Supporting Collaborative Learning among Mobile People

Patrik Gustavsson, Johan Lundin, Urban Nuldén et al
Paper in proceeding

Mandatory Participation in Asynchronous Learning Networks

Urban Nuldén, Christian Hardless, Johan Lundin
the proceedings of HICSS-34
Journal article

Mandatory Participation in Asynchronous Learning Networks

Christian Hardless, Johan Lundin, Urban Nuldén
Paper in proceeding

MobiLearn - Education for Mobile People

Christian Hardless, Johan Lundin, Anders Lööf et al
Paper in proceeding

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