Martin Karlsmo

Showing 9 publications


Le Chatelier's principle enables stable and sustainable aqueous sodium/magnesium-ion batteries

Martin Karlsmo, Tomooki Hosaka, Patrik Johansson
Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Vol. 12 (7), p. 4029-4036
Journal article

Exploring the electrochemistry of PTCDI for aqueous lithium-ion batteries

John Brown, Martin Karlsmo, Patrik Johansson et al
Energy Storage Materials. Vol. 66 (103218)
Journal article

A guanidium salt as a chaotropic agent for aqueous battery electrolytes

John Brown, Juan Forero Saboya, Benoît Baptiste et al
Chemical Communications. Vol. 59 (82), p. 12266-12269
Journal article

Sustainability and Technical Performance of An All-Organic Aqueous Sodium-Ion Hybrid Supercapacitor

Martin Karlsmo, Patrik Johansson
Batteries and Supercaps. Vol. 5
Journal article

All-organic aqueous Na-ion energy storage devices

Martin Karlsmo
Licentiate thesis

High‐performant all‐organic aqueous sodium‐ion batteries enabled by PTCDA electrodes and a hybrid Na/Mg electrolyte

Martin Karlsmo, Roza Bouchal, Patrik Johansson
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. Vol. 60 (46), p. 24709-24715
Journal article

2021 roadmap for sodium-ion batteries

Nuria Tapia-Ruiz, A. Robert Armstrong, Hande Alptekin et al
JPhys Energy. Vol. 3 (3)
Journal article

Ten Ways to Fool the Masses When Presenting Battery Research

Patrik Johansson, Sajid Alvi, Pedram Ghorbanzade et al
Batteries and Supercaps. Vol. 4 (12), p. 1785 -1788
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