Björn Malbert

Showing 20 publications


Organisation and Curriculum of Academy in Sustainable Urban Futures

Krystyna Pietrzyk, Björn Malbert

Upscaling Ecotourism in Kisumu City and its Environs : Local Community Perspective

Maria Nyström, P.O. Hayombe, Stephen Agong et al
International journal of business and social research. Vol. 2 (7)
Journal article

Renovating to Passive Housing in the Swedish Million Programme

Carley Friesen, Björn Malbert, Henrik Nolmark
Planning Theory and Practice. Vol. 13 (1), p. 113-174
Journal article

Mistra urban futures : the Göteborg center of excellence for sustainable urban futures

Merritt Polk, Björn Malbert, Jaan-Henrik Kain

Design of a Global Network to Develop Pro-Poor Land Tools: Final Report (draft)

Richard Stren, Edesio Fernandes, Jaan-Henrik Kain et al

Research for Sustainable Urban Development

Björn Malbert
Paper to the Urban Science Workshop
Magazine article

Implementing participatory GIS-based methods in urban planning and decision-making: potentials and barriers in Swedish planning policy

Pernilla Jacobsson Korhonen, Björn Malbert
Paper till den internationella konferensen Life in the Urban Landscape
Paper in proceeding

Challenges for Sustainable Urban Development

Daniel K. Irurah, Björn Malbert, Pål Castell et al
Keiner, Marco, (Ed.). Designing, Implementing and Measuring Sustainable Urban Development in Developing Countries. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Book chapter

Towards Sustainable Development in Johannesburg: Reflections on localisation and the institutional challenges involved

Björn Malbert, Jaan-Henrik Kain
The DIMSUD Conference on Sustainability and Urban Growth in Developing Countries
Other conference contribution

Stadens hållbara utveckling och urbana strukturer: En syntes av ett forskningsprogram

Björn Malbert, Lisbeth Birgersson, Lena Falkheden et al

Opportunities and Strategies for Sustainable Urban Development

Daniel K. Irurah, Björn Malbert, Aly Karam et al
From Understanding to Action; Sustainable Urban Development Medium-Sized Cities in Africa and Latin America
Book chapter

S2N as a communication tool

Elisabet Lundgren Alm, Björn Malbert
Planning on Principle: S2N, the Strategy of the Two Networks revisited / Aalbers, C , Jonkhof, J
Book chapter

Urban Planning Participation: Linking Practice and Theory

Björn Malbert
Doctoral thesis

Innovative urban planning practice : the Vienna model

Björn Malbert
Licentiate thesis

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Showing 3 research projects


Implementation of sustainable development in the design professions with focus on architects - experiences from 10 year education

Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Ida Röstlund Urban Design and Planning
Lena Falkheden Urban Design and Planning
Björn Malbert Urban Design and Planning
Adlerbertska Foundations


IDEA League Doctoral School on Urban Systems and Sustainability

Krystyna Pietrzyk Architecture and Civil Engineering
Laura Estévez Mauriz Applied Acoustics
Nils Björling Urban Design and Planning
Björn Malbert Urban Design and Planning
Jörgen Sjöberg Office of the President
Hyekyung Imottesjo Urban Design and Planning


Capacity Building in Kisumu

Björn Malbert Urban Design and Planning
Maria Nyström Reuterswärd Architectural theory and methods
Krystyna Pietrzyk Architecture and Civil Engineering
Mistra Urban Futures, Kisumu
Mistra Urban Futures

1 publication exists
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