Måns Henningson

Full Professor at Institution of physics at Gothenburg University
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Showing 34 publications


Quantitative Detection of Biological Nanoparticles in Solution via Their Mediation of Colocalization of Fluorescent Liposomes

Olov Wahlsten, Frida Ulander, Daniel Midtvedt et al
Physical Review Applied. Vol. 12 (6)
Journal article

Analysis and modeling of subthreshold neural multi-electrode array data by statistical field theory

Måns Henningson, S. Illes
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. Vol. 11
Journal article

Zero-mode dynamics in supersymmetric Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theory

Måns Henningson
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. Vol. 87 (10)
Journal article

Six-dimensional (2,0) theory on tori

Måns Henningson
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 462 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Boundary conditions for geometric-Langlands twisted N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory

Måns Henningson
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. Vol. 86 (8)
Journal article

What is the Partition Bundle?

Måns Henningson
Physics of Particles and Nuclei. Vol. 43 (5), p. 621-624
Journal article

Ground states of supersymmetric Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theory

Måns Henningson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2012 (11), p. 013-
Journal article

Tunneling solutions in topological field theory on R x S-3 x I

Louise Anderson, Måns Henningson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2012 (2), p. Article Number: 063-
Journal article

't Hooft operators in the boundary

Måns Henningson
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. Vol. 84 (10)
Journal article

BPS partition functions in N=4 Yang-Mills theory on T-4

Måns Henningson, Fredrik Ohlsson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2011 (3)
Journal article

The partition bundle of type AN-1 (2, 0) theory

Måns Henningson
Journal of High Energy Physics (4)
Journal article

Automorphic properties of (2,0) theory on T-6

Måns Henningson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2010 (1)
Journal article

BPS states in (2,0) theory on R x T5

Måns Henningson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2009 (3)
Journal article

The low-energy spectrum of (2,0) theory on T5 x R

Måns Henningson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2008 (11), p. 028-
Journal article

Zero-energy bound states of N=4 SYM on T^3: S-duality and the mapping class group

Måns Henningson, Niclas Wyllard
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 0804 (4), p. 066-
Journal article

Bound states in N=4SYMon T-3: Spin(2n) and the exceptional groups

Måns Henningson, Niclas Wyllard
Journal of High Energy Physics (7)
Journal article

Low-energy spectrum of N=4 super-Yang-Mills on T-3: flat connections, bound states at threshold, and S-duality

Måns Henningson, Niclas Wyllard
Journal of High Energy Physics (6)
Journal article

Wilson-'t Hooft operators and the theta angle

Måns Henningson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 0605, p. 065-
Journal article

Dyonic anomalies

Måns Henningson, Erik Johansson
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. Vol. 267 (1-4), p. 203-207
Journal article

Self-dual strings in six dimensions: Anomalies, the ADE-classification and the world-sheet WZW-model

Måns Henningson
Commun. Math. Phys.. Vol. 257, p. 291-
Journal article

The (2,0) supersymmetric theory of tensor multiplets and self-dual strings in six dimensions

Pär Arvidsson, Erik Flink, Måns Henningson
Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP). Vol. 05, p. 048-
Journal article

Supersymmetric coupling of a self-dual string to a (2,0) tensor multiplet background

Pär Arvidsson, Erik Flink, Måns Henningson
Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP). Vol. 11, p. 015-
Journal article

Free tensor multiplets and strings in spontaneously broken six-dimensional (2,0) theory

Pär Arvidsson, Erik Flink, Måns Henningson
Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP). Vol. 06, p. 039-
Journal article

Thomson scattering of chiral tensors and scalars against a self-dual string

Pär Arvidsson, Erik Flink, Måns Henningson
Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP). Vol. 12, p. 010-
Journal article

The quantum Hilbert space of a chiral two form in d = 5+1 dimensions

Måns Henningson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 0203, p. 021-
Journal article

A short representation of the six-dimensional (2,0) algebra

Måns Henningson, Andreas Gustavsson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 0106, p. 054-
Journal article

Commutation relations for surface operators in six-dimensional (2,0) theory

Måns Henningson
Journal of high energy physics. Vol. 0103, p. 011-
Journal article

Holography and the Weyl anomaly

Måns Henningson, Kostas Skenderis
Fortsch. Phys.. Vol. 48, p. 125-
Journal article

A class of six-dimensional conformal field theories

Måns Henningson
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 85, p. 5280-
Journal article

Holomorphic factorization of correlation functions in (4k+2)-dimensional (2k)-form gauge theory

Måns Henningson, Bengt E W Nilsson, Per Salomonson
Journal of high energy physics. Vol. 9909, p. 008-
Journal article

Weyl anomaly for Wilson surfaces

Måns Henningson, Kostas Skenderis
Journal of high energy physics. Vol. 9906, p. 012-
Journal article

The light spectrum near the Argyres-Douglas point

Måns Henningson, Andreas Gustavsson
Physics Letters B. Vol. 463, p. 201-
Journal article

Super Wess-Zumino-Witten models

Måns Henningson
Licentiate thesis

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Showing 2 research projects


Searching for new physics at the Large Hadron Collider in the Higgs era

Måns Henningson Fundamental Physics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

3 publications exist

Quantum theory and the continuum: The case of maximal supersymmetry.

Måns Henningson Fundamental Physics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

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