Måns Henningson
Visar 34 publikationer
Analysis and modeling of subthreshold neural multi-electrode array data by statistical field theory
Zero-mode dynamics in supersymmetric Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theory
Six-dimensional (2,0) theory on tori
Ground states of supersymmetric Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theory
Boundary conditions for geometric-Langlands twisted N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
Tunneling solutions in topological field theory on R x S-3 x I
't Hooft operators in the boundary
BPS partition functions in N=4 Yang-Mills theory on T-4
The partition bundle of type AN-1 (2, 0) theory
Automorphic properties of (2,0) theory on T-6
BPS states in (2,0) theory on R x T5
Zero-energy bound states of N=4 SYM on T^3: S-duality and the mapping class group
The low-energy spectrum of (2,0) theory on T5 x R
Bound states in N=4SYMon T-3: Spin(2n) and the exceptional groups
Wilson-'t Hooft operators and the theta angle
Self-dual strings in six dimensions: Anomalies, the ADE-classification and the world-sheet WZW-model
The (2,0) supersymmetric theory of tensor multiplets and self-dual strings in six dimensions
Supersymmetric coupling of a self-dual string to a (2,0) tensor multiplet background
Free tensor multiplets and strings in spontaneously broken six-dimensional (2,0) theory
Thomson scattering of chiral tensors and scalars against a self-dual string
The quantum Hilbert space of a chiral two form in d = 5+1 dimensions
A short representation of the six-dimensional (2,0) algebra
Commutation relations for surface operators in six-dimensional (2,0) theory
Holography and the Weyl anomaly
A class of six-dimensional conformal field theories
Holomorphic factorization of correlation functions in (4k+2)-dimensional (2k)-form gauge theory
Weyl anomaly for Wilson surfaces
The light spectrum near the Argyres-Douglas point
Out of Flatland : applications of Wess-Zumino-Witten models to string theory Måns Henningson
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Visar 2 forskningsprojekt
Kvantteori och kontinuumet: Det maximalt supersymmetriska fallet.