Maria Asplund

Professor at Electronics Material and Systems

Image of Maria Asplund

Showing 15 publications


Flexible Polymer Electrodes for Stable Prosthetic Visual Perception in Mice

Corinne Orlemann, Christian Boehler, Roxana N. Kooijmans et al
Advanced healthcare materials. Vol. 13 (15)
Journal article

Recording Quality Is Systematically Related to Electrode Impedance

Christopher M. Lewis, Christian Boehler, Rickard Liljemalm et al
Advanced healthcare materials. Vol. 13 (24)
Journal article

Electrografted mixed organic monolayers as antibacterial coatings for implantable biomedical devices

Małgorzata Skorupa, Magdalena Skonieczna, Divine Yufetar Shyntum et al
Electrochimica Acta. Vol. 492
Journal article

Bioelectronic Direct Current Stimulation at the Transition Between Reversible and Irreversible Charge Transfer

Lukas Matter, Oliya S. Abdullaeva, Sebastian W. Shaner et al
Advanced Science. Vol. 11 (27)
Journal article

New Wafer-Level Fabrication of Ultrathin Silicon Insertion Shuttles for Flexible Neural Implants

Kirti Sharma, Christian Boehler, Maria Asplund et al
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). Vol. 2023-January, p. 421-424
Paper in proceeding

Brain stimulation-on-a-chip: a neuromodulation platform for brain slices

Sebastian W. Shaner, Han Lu, Maximilian Lenz et al
Lab on a Chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology. Vol. 23 (23), p. 4967-4985
Journal article

Electrotaxis evokes directional separation of co-cultured keratinocytes and fibroblasts

José Leal, Sebastian W. Shaner, Nicole Jedrusik et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 13 (1)
Journal article

Chronic stability of a neuroprosthesis comprising multiple adjacent Utah arrays in monkeys

Xing Chen, Feng Wang, Roxana Kooijmans et al
Journal of Neural Engineering. Vol. 20 (3)
Journal article

Multilayer Arrays for Neurotechnology Applications (MANTA): Chronically Stable Thin-Film Intracortical Implants

Christian Böhler, Maria Vomero, Marisol Soula et al
Advanced Science. Vol. 10 (14)
Journal article

Generation of direct current electrical fields as regenerative therapy for spinal cord injury: A review

Lukas Matter, Bruce Harland, Brad Raos et al
APL Bioengineering. Vol. 7 (3)
Review article

Bioelectronic microfluidic wound healing: a platform for investigating direct current stimulation of injured cell collectives

Sebastian W. Shaner, Anna Savelyeva, Anja Kvartuh et al
Lab on a Chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology. Vol. 23 (6), p. 1531-1546
Journal article

Accessing the brain with soft deployable electrocorticography arrays

Maria Asplund
Science Robotics. Vol. 8 (78), p. eadg2785-
Journal article

Guide to Leveraging Conducting Polymers and Hydrogels for Direct Current Stimulation

José Leal, Sebastian W. Shaner, Lukas Matter et al
Advanced Materials Interfaces. Vol. 10 (8)
Journal article

A microfluidic perspective on conventional in vitro transcranial direct current stimulation methods

Han Lu, Sebastian W. Shaner, Elisabeth Otte et al
Journal of Neuroscience Methods. Vol. 385
Review article

Skin stimulation and recording: Moving towards metal-free electrodes

Sebastian W. Shaner, Monsur Islam, Morten B. Kristoffersen et al
Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X. Vol. 11
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Personalised bioelectronics for epithelial repair (ProBER)

Maria Asplund Electronics Material and Systems
José Leal Electronics Material and Systems
European Commission (EC)

1 publication exists
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