Maria Asplund

Showing 15 publications
Flexible Polymer Electrodes for Stable Prosthetic Visual Perception in Mice
Recording Quality Is Systematically Related to Electrode Impedance
Electrografted mixed organic monolayers as antibacterial coatings for implantable biomedical devices
New Wafer-Level Fabrication of Ultrathin Silicon Insertion Shuttles for Flexible Neural Implants
Brain stimulation-on-a-chip: a neuromodulation platform for brain slices
Electrotaxis evokes directional separation of co-cultured keratinocytes and fibroblasts
Chronic stability of a neuroprosthesis comprising multiple adjacent Utah arrays in monkeys
Accessing the brain with soft deployable electrocorticography arrays
Guide to Leveraging Conducting Polymers and Hydrogels for Direct Current Stimulation
A microfluidic perspective on conventional in vitro transcranial direct current stimulation methods
Skin stimulation and recording: Moving towards metal-free electrodes
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Showing 1 research projects
Personalised bioelectronics for epithelial repair (ProBER)