Marie Elf

Showing 55 publications


The Swedish Health Promoting Healthcare network and the built environment

Elke Miedema, Göran Lindahl, Marie Elf
Health Promotion International. Vol. 37 (1), p. 1-11
Journal article

Application of Theory in Studies of Healthcare Built Environment Research

Michelle M. Shannon, Susanna Nordin, J. Bernhardt et al
HERD. Vol. 13 (3), p. 154-170
Journal article

The physical environment and multi-professional teamwork in three newly built stroke units

A. Anaker, Lena von Koch, Gunilla Eriksson et al
Disability and Rehabilitation, p. 1-9
Journal article

The built environment and its impact on health outcomes and experiences of patients, significant others and staff—A protocol for a systematic review

Marie Elf, A. Anaker, Elizabeth Marcheschi et al
Nursing Open. Vol. 7 (3), p. 895-899
Journal article

The importance of the built environment in person-centred stroke rehabilitation at home

M. Kylen, L. von Koch, H. Pessah-Rasmussen et al
International Journal of Stroke. Vol. 16 (13)
Paper in proceeding

“It’s Lonely”: Patients’ Experiences of the Physical Environment at a Newly Built Stroke Unit

A. Anaker, Lena von Koch, A. Heylighen et al
HERD. Vol. 12 (3), p. 141-152
Journal article

Conceptualizing health promotion in relation to outpatient healthcare building design: a Scoping review

Elke Miedema, Göran Lindahl, Marie Elf
HERD. Vol. 12 (1), p. 69-86
Review article

Stroke secondary prevention, a non-surgical and non-pharmacological consensus definition: results of a Delphi study

Maggie Lawrence, Eric Asaba, Elaine Duncan et al
BMC Research Notes. Vol. 12 (1)
Journal article

Can the physical environment itself influence neurological patient activity?

Michelle M. Shannon, Marie Elf, Leonid Churilov et al
Disability and Rehabilitation. Vol. 41 (10), p. 1177-1189
Journal article

The physical environment and its effect on health outcomes: a systematic review.

Elizabeth Marcheschi, Ásgeir Sigurjónsson, Roger Ulrich et al
ARCH19 Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Health promotion and the built environment - views from Swedish healthcare organisations

Elke Miedema, Göran Lindahl, Marie Elf
ARCH19 - BUILDING for BETTER HEALTH Book of abstracts
Paper in proceeding

The Importance of the Built Environment in Person-Centred Rehabilitation at Home: Study Protocol

Maya Kylén, Lena von Koch, Hélène Pessah-Rasmussen et al
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol. 16 (13)
Journal article

Home setting after stroke, facilitators and barriers: a systematic literature review

Elizabeth Marcheschi, Lena von Koch, Hélène Pessah-Rassmussen et al
Health and Social Care in the Community. Vol. 26 (4), p. e451-e459
Review article

The importance of the physical environment to support individualised care

Susanna Nordin, Marie Elf
Individualized Care: Theory, Measurement, Research and Practice, p. 207-215
Book chapter

The physical environment and patients’ activities and care: A comparative case study at three newly built stroke units

A. Anaker, Lena von Koch, C. Sjostrand et al
Journal of Advanced Nursing. Vol. 74 (8), p. 1919-1931
Journal article

To come home after a stroke: patients' early experiences of health and recovery in their home settings

Elizabeth Marcheschi, Marie Elf, Lena von Koch et al
Conference poster

Supporting first-line managers in implementing oral care guidelines in nursing homes

A. C. Eldh, Lena Olai, Birgitta Jönsson et al
Nordic Journal of Nursing Research. Vol. 38 (2), p. 87-95
Journal article

A qualitative study of assistant nurses' experiences of palliative care in residential care

Camilla Udo, Maria Neljesjo, Ingegerd Stromkvist et al
Nursing Open. Vol. 5 (4), p. 527-535
Journal article

A comparative study of patients' activities and interactions in a stroke unit before and after reconstruction-The significance of the built environment

A. Anaker, Lena von Koch, C. Sjostrand et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 12 (7), p. Article no e0177477-
Journal article

Health promotive ambitions related to building design – the case of Angered Nearby Hospital

Elke Miedema, Göran Lindahl, Lena Marie Elf
ARCH 17 - 3rd international conference on architecture, research, care and health. Vol. 1 edition, p. 331-344
Paper in proceeding

Development and test of a methodology for the investigation of stroke patients’ rehabilitation in home settings

Elizabeth Marcheschi, Marie Elf
European Healthcare Design 2017 - Research, policy and practice
Paper in proceeding

Development of a methodology for the investigation of stroke patients’rehabilitation in home settings

Elizabeth Marcheschi, Lena Marie Elf, Lena von Koch et al
BMC Nursing - European Academy of Nursing Science and the Swedish Society of Nursing Summer Conference 2017: The Future Direction of European Nursing and Nursing Research: Malmö, Sweden. 04-05 July 2017. Vol. 16 (S1)
Paper in proceeding

Exploring Environmental Variation in Residential Care Facilities for Older People

Susanna Nordin, Kevin KcKee, Helle Wijk et al
HERD. Vol. 10 (2), p. 49-65
Journal article

A systematic review of the psychometric properties of instruments for assessing the quality of the physical environment in healthcare

Marie Elf, Susanna Nordin, Helle Wijk et al
Journal of Advanced Nursing. Vol. 73 (12), p. 2796-2816
Review article

Design Quality in the Context of Healthcare Environments: A Scoping Review

A. Anaker, A. Heylighen, Susanna Nordin et al
HERD. Vol. 10 (4), p. 136-150
Journal article

Integrative Ways of Residing Health and Quality of Residence. A Concerted Trans-Disciplinary Research Effort - AIDAH ‘14-‘18. Architectural Inventions for Dwelling, Ageing and Healthcare

Sten Gromark, Inga Malmqvist, Peter Fröst et al
International Conference ARCH 14 on Research on Health Care Architecture, Helsinki Aalto University 19-21 Nov 2014
Paper in proceeding

Development of the Content and Quality in Briefs Instrument (CQB-I)

Lena Marie Elf, Marie Svedbo Engström, Helle Wijk
HERD. Vol. 5 (3), p. 74-88
Journal article

upporting pre-planning design phases of new dementia care environments through group-modeling

Marie Elf, Paul Holmström, Inga Malmqvist et al
Operations Research Society, OR54
Other conference contribution

Designing sustainable healthcare environments.

Marie Elf, Kerstin Öhrn, Lena Koch von et al
19th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services. June 1-3, 2011 Turku, Finland
Paper in proceeding

) Supporting pre-planning project phases of new dementia care environments through group-modeling.

Marie Elf, Öhrn Kerstin, Lena Koch von et al
11th International Congress on Nursing Informatic. Montreal, Canada. June 23-27, 2012.
Paper in proceeding

Assessment of briefs for healthcare environment – a survey in Sweden

Lena Marie Elf, Marie Svedbo Engström, Helle Wijk
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 30 (10), p. 835-844
Journal article

Questioning Context: A set of interdisciplinary questions for investigating contextual factors affecting health decision-making

A Charise, H Witteman, S Whyte et al
Health Expectations. Vol. 14 (2), p. 115-132
Journal article

Designing for person-centred care in older people’s residential facilities

Lena Marie Elf, Kevin McKee, Susanna Mordin et al
Aging. Vol. 23 (Suppl. 1), p. 270-
Journal article

Design for well-being in older people’s residential environments - Sustainable Design in Finland and Sweden

Ira Werma, Leena Aalto, Marie Elf et al
SB11 World Sustainable Building Conference Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Questioning Context: A set of interdisciplinary questions for investigating contextual factors affecting health decision-making".

Andrea Charise, Holly Witteman, Sarah Whyte et al
Health Expectations. Vol. 14 (2), p. 115-132
Journal article

Developing a model of a Stroke Care Process

Lena Marie Elf, Maria Putilova, Öhrn Kerstin et al
Online Journal of Nursing Informatics. Vol. 13 (3), p. 1-34
Journal article

Scoping group interventions for suitability in participatory modeling

Paul Holmström, Marie Elf
OR (Operational Research) 51 Annual Conference
Paper in proceeding

An audit of the content and quality in briefs for Swedish healthcare spaces

Lena Marie Elf, Inga Malmqvist
Journal of Facilities Management. Vol. 7 (3), p. 198-211
Journal article

Designing Sustainable Health Care Spaces

Marie Elf, Inga Malmqvist, Lena von Koch et al
The Natural Step´s Sustainability Leadership Challenge - conference in Stockholm
Conference poster

A dynamic conceptual model of care planning

Lena Marie Elf, Maria Poutilova, Kerstin Öhrn
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. Vol. 21 (4), p. 530-538
Journal article

Using system dynamics for collaborative design: a case study

Lena Marie Elf, Mariya Putilova, Lena von Koch et al
BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 7 (123)
Journal article

The Care planning process. A case for System Dynamics

Marie Elf
23th International System Dynamics Conferences Boston
Paper in proceeding

Models of Care processes - Implications for the Design of New Health Care Environments

Marie Elf, Paul Holmström, Kerstin Öhrn
EuroFM Conferences in Copenhagen 2004
Other conference contribution

Staff retention and job satisfaction at a hospital clinic - a case study

Paul Holmström, Marie Elf
International System Dynamics Conference, Oxford
Paper in proceeding

Models of Care processes - Implications for the Design of New Health Care Environments

Marie Elf, P Holmström, K Öhrn
EuroFM Conferences in Copenhagen 2004
Paper in proceeding

Staff Retention and Job Satisfaction at a Hospital Clinic - A case study

Paul Holmström, Marie Elf
22th International System Dynamics Conferences Oxford 2004
Paper in proceeding

The health Care Environment

Marie Elf, Jan-Åke Granath, PO Sjödén
International Postgraduate Research Conferences in Lisbon 2003
Paper in proceeding

The Role of Simulation When Designing New Health Care Environments

Marie Elf, M Dougherty
8th Nursing Informatics Conference in Rio de Janeiro 2003
Paper in proceeding

Reflections on Clinical Patient Care Organization in relations to Recent Findings within the Automotive Industry Regarding the Design of assembly Systems

JE Gasslander, Marie Elf, T Engström
2nd International Conferences in Management of Health Care and Medical Technology, July 28-30, 2002, Chicago Illinois
Paper in proceeding

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