Marie Elf
Visar 55 publikationer
The Swedish Health Promoting Healthcare network and the built environment
Application of Theory in Studies of Healthcare Built Environment Research
The physical environment and multi-professional teamwork in three newly built stroke units
The importance of the built environment in person-centred stroke rehabilitation at home
“It’s Lonely”: Patients’ Experiences of the Physical Environment at a Newly Built Stroke Unit
The physical environment and its effect on health outcomes: a systematic review.
Can the physical environment itself influence neurological patient activity?
Health promotion and the built environment - views from Swedish healthcare organisations
The Importance of the Built Environment in Person-Centred Rehabilitation at Home: Study Protocol
Home setting after stroke, facilitators and barriers: a systematic literature review
The importance of the physical environment to support individualised care
Supporting first-line managers in implementing oral care guidelines in nursing homes
A qualitative study of assistant nurses' experiences of palliative care in residential care
Health promotive ambitions related to building design – the case of Angered Nearby Hospital
Exploring Environmental Variation in Residential Care Facilities for Older People
Design Quality in the Context of Healthcare Environments: A Scoping Review
Healthcare architecture for health and well-being From hospital to neighbourhood care (PROARCH)
Development of the Content and Quality in Briefs Instrument (CQB-I)
) Supporting pre-planning project phases of new dementia care environments through group-modeling.
upporting pre-planning design phases of new dementia care environments through group-modeling
Designing sustainable healthcare environments.
Assessment of briefs for healthcare environment – a survey in Sweden
Designing for person-centred care in older people’s residential facilities
An audit of the content and quality in briefs for Swedish healthcare spaces
Developing a model of a Stroke Care Process
Scoping group interventions for suitability in participatory modeling
Designing Sustainable Health Care Spaces
A dynamic conceptual model of care planning
Using system dynamics for collaborative design: a case study
Modelling of Care Processes. The use of Simulation Models for the Design of Health Care Environments
The Care planning process. A case for System Dynamics
Models of Care processes - Implications for the Design of New Health Care Environments
Staff retention and job satisfaction at a hospital clinic - a case study
Models of Care processes - Implications for the Design of New Health Care Environments
Staff Retention and Job Satisfaction at a Hospital Clinic - A case study
The Role of Simulation When Designing New Health Care Environments
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