Mikael Meister
Showing 31 publications
The unbound isotopes He-9,He-10
Three-body correlations in the decay of He-10 and Li-13
Properties of the 7He ground state from 8He neutron knockout
Lithium isotopes beyond the drip line
Investigation of the Li-9+H-2 -> Li-8+t reaction at REX-ISOLDE
Study of Li-10 via the Li-9(H-2, p) reaction at REX-ISOLDE
Low energy reactions with radioactive ions at REX-ISOLDE - the Li-9+H-2 case
Three-body correlations in electromagnetic dissociation of Borromean nuclei: The He-6 case
Revised rates for the stellar triple-alpha process from measurement of C-12 nuclear resonances
Structure of neutron-rich oxygen isotopes
Low-lying resonance states in the Be-9 continuum
Properties of the C-12 10 MeV state determined through beta-decay
Asymmetry in the super-allowed beta-transitions of the A=9 isobars
Beta-delayed multiparticle emission studies at ISOL-type facilities
Shell Structure of the Near-Dripline Nucleus 23O
News on C-12 from beta-decay studies
News on C-12 from beta-decay studies
The beta-decay of Li-9 to the high lying states in Be-9
Nuclear and Coulomb breakup of 8B
Two- and three-body correlations: breakup of halo nuclei
Large asymmetry in the strongest beta-transition for A=9
Experimental evidence for the 8B ground state configuration
Evidence for a new low-lying resonance state in 7He
He-8-He-6: a comparative study of nuclear fragmentation reactions
Heavy helium isotopes : a comprehensive investigation of ⁸He and its unbound subsystem ⁷He
Halo excitations in fragmentation of He-6 at 240 MeV/u on carbon and lead targets
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