The unbound isotopes He-9,He-10
Journal article, 2010

The unbound nuclei He-9 and He-10 have been produced in proton-knockout reactions from a 280 MeV/u Li-11 beam impinging on a liquid hydrogen target at the ALADIN-LAND setup at GSI. Information on their nuclear structure has been obtained from the relative-energy spectra, He-8 + n and He-8 + 2n, employing reaction models incorporating the structure of Li-11. The (8H)e + n relative-energy spectrum is dominated by a strong peak-like structure at low energy, which may be interpreted within the effective-range approximation as the result of an s-wave interaction with a neutron scattering length of -3.17(66) fm. This spectrum also shows evidence for resonance states at 1.33(8) MeV and at 2.4 MeV above the He-8 + n threshold. It is argued that the s-state might not be the He-9 ground state. For He-8 + n + n, the analysis of the relative-energy spectrum gives two alternative possibilities for an interpretation: either a narrow resonance at 1.42(10) MeV (Gamma = 1.11(76) MeV) superimposed on a correlated background, or two overlapping resonances, a ground state at 1.54(11) MeV (Gamma = 1.91(41) MeV) together with an excited state at 3.99(26) MeV (Gamma = 1.64(89) MeV). The two possible interpretations are discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.




relative energy spectra


deduced resonance state parameters




E=280 MeV/nucleon




measured fragment spectra

(fragment) (neutron)-coin


neutron spectra


nuclear reactions

exotic nuclei



Håkan T Johansson

Chalmers, Applied Physics, Subatomic Physics

Yuliya Aksyutina

Chalmers, Applied Physics, Subatomic Physics

T. Aumann

K. Boretzky

M. J. G. Borge

A. Chatillon

L. V. Chulkov

D. Cortina-Gil

U. D. Pramanik

H. Emling

Christian Forssen

Chalmers, Applied Physics, Subatomic Physics

H. O. U. Fynbo

H. Geissel

G. Ickert

Björn Jonson

Chalmers, Applied Physics, Subatomic Physics

R. Kulessa

C. Langer

Mattias Lantz

Chalmers, Applied Physics, Subatomic Physics

T. LeBleis

K. Mahata

Mikael Meister

Chalmers, Applied Physics, Subatomic Physics

G. Munzenberg

Thomas Nilsson

Chalmers, Applied Physics, Subatomic Physics

Göran Hugo Nyman

Chalmers, Applied Physics, Subatomic Physics

R. Palit

S. Paschalis

W. Prokopowicz

R. Reifarth

A. Richter

K. Riisager

G. Schrieder

H. Simon

K. Summerer

O. Tengblad

H. Weick

Mikhail Zhukov

Chalmers, Applied Physics, Subatomic Physics

Nuclear Physics A

0375-9474 (ISSN)

Vol. 842 1-4 15-32

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Subatomic Physics

Physical Sciences


Basic sciences



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