Christian Forssén
Christian Forssén is Professor in theoretical physics at the division of Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics at the Department of Physics. He is a member of the The Royal Society of Arts and Sciences in Gothenburg and is an elected fellow of the American Physical Society.
Christian performs research in theoretical nuclear and particle physics. He uses advanced computational tools, such as Bayesian methods and machine learning, to address basic-science questions within low-energy effective field theories and nuclear forces, the nuclear many-body problem and its connections to fundamental symmetries and astrophysics.
Read more about Christian's research at the group web site

Showing 107 publications
Multiscale Physics of Atomic Nuclei from First Principles
Emulating ab initio computations of infinite nucleonic matter
Nuclear-matter saturation and symmetry energy within Δ -full chiral effective field theory
Editorial: Uncertainty quantification in nuclear physics
First observation of <sup>28</sup>O
What is ab initio in nuclear theory?
The importance of few-nucleon forces in chiral effective field theory
Posterior predictive distributions of neutron-deuteron cross sections
Bayesian probability updates using sampling/importance resampling: Applications in nuclear theory
Nuclear physics uncertainties in light hypernuclei
Wave-packet continuum discretisation for nucleon-nucleon scattering predictions
Ab initio predictions link the neutron skin of Pb-208 to nuclear forces
Bayesian predictions for A=6 nuclei using eigenvector continuation emulators
Nuclear ab initio calculations of He-6 beta-decay for beyond the Standard Model studies
Systematic Nuclear Uncertainties in the Hypertriton System
Power counting in chiral effective field theory and nuclear binding
Charge radii of exotic potassium isotopes challenge nuclear theory and the magic character of N = 32
Normal-ordering approximations and translational (non)invariance
Finite-size effects in heavy halo nuclei from effective field theory
Accurate bulk properties of nuclei from A=2 to infinity from potentials with Delta isobars
Bayesian optimization in ab initio nuclear physics
Quantifying uncertainties in nuclear matrix elements for dark matter searches
Large-scale exact diagonalizations reveal low-momentum scales of nuclei
Ab initio no-core solutions for Li-6
Ab initio nuclear response functions for dark matter searches
Uncertainty Analysis and Order-by-Order Optimization of Chiral Nuclear Interactions
Range corrections in proton halo nuclei
Uncertainty quantification for proton-proton fusion in chiral effective field theory
Neutron and weak-charge distributions of the Ca-48 nucleus
Strongly Interacting Few-Fermion Systems in a Trap
Statistical uncertainties of a chiral interaction at next-to-next-to leading order
Quantum magnetism in strongly interacting one-dimensional spinor Bose systems
Infrared length scale and extrapolations for the no-core shell model
Accurate nuclear radii and binding energies from a chiral interaction
Tunneling theory for tunable open quantum systems of ultracold atoms in one-dimensional traps
Ab initio no core full configuration approach for light nuclei
Fermionization of two-component few-fermion systems in a one-dimensional harmonic trap
Microscopic description of translationally invariant core+N+N overlap functions
Ab initio no core full configuration approach for light nuclei
Effective field theory for proton halo nuclei
Exclusive measurements of nuclear breakup reactions of 17Ne
Constraining low-energy proton capture on beryllium-7 through charge radius measurements
Optimized Chiral Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction at Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order
Living on the edge of stability, the limits of the nuclear landscape
Systematics of 2+ states in C isotopes from the no-core shell model
Reorientation-effect measurement of the (2+ 1 Eˆ22+ 1) matrix element in 10Be
Excited-state transition-rate measurements in C-18
Coulomb breakup of 17Ne from the viewpoint of nuclear astrophysics
Structure of C-16: Testing shell model and ab initio approaches
The ab initio No-Core Shell Model and Light Nuclei
The similarity renormalization group for three-body interactions in one dimension
The unbound isotopes He-9,He-10
Three-body correlations in the decay of He-10 and Li-13
Resonance parameters of the first 1/2+ state in 9Be and astrophysical implications
Effective-interaction approach to the many-boson problem
Properties of the 7He ground state from 8He neutron knockout
The Ab Initio No-core Shell Model
Precise branching ratios to unbound 12C states from 12N and 12B [beta]-decays
The [sup 14]C(n,gamma) cross section between 10 keV and 1 MeV
Converging sequences in the ab initio no-core shell model
Lithium isotopes beyond the drip line
Surrogate reactions: the Weisskopf-Ewing approximation and its limitations
Determining neutron capture cross sections via the surrogate reaction technique
Surrogate nuclear reaction methods for astrophysics
Surrogate Nuclear Reactions - An Indirect Approach to Compound-Nucleus Reactions
Compound-nuclear reactions via Surrogate measurements
Cross sections of light-ion reactions calculated from ab initio wave functions
Surrogate nuclear reactions: An indirect method for determining reaction cross sections
Structure of neutron-rich oxygen isotopes
Surrogate Nuclear Reactions and the origin of the heavy elements
Ab initio no-core shell model calculations using realistic two- and three-body interactions
Large basis ab initio shell model investigation of 9Be and 11Be
Shell Structure of the Near-Dripline Nucleus 23O
Nuclear and Coulomb breakup of 8B
Two- and three-body correlations: breakup of halo nuclei
Analytical studies of 8B electromagnetic dissociation
Hyperfine structure of heavy hydrogen-like ions
Radiative capture and electromagnetic dissociation involving loosely bound nuclei: The 8B example
Analytical E1 strength functions of two-neutron halo nuclei: 11Li and 14Be
Experimental evidence for the 8B ground state configuration
Analytical approach to electromagnetic processes in loosely bound nuclei: application to 8B
Evidence for a new low-lying resonance state in 7He
Analytical E1 strength functions of two-neutron halo nuclei: the 6He example
Hyperfine structure of hydrogenlike thallium isotopes
Analysis of decay data from neutron-rich nuclei
A correlated background in invariant mass spectra of three-body systems
New information on β-delayed neutron emission from 12,14Be
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Showing 8 research projects
Low-Energy Symmetries of Atomic Nuclei
Forskningssamarbete inom teoretisk kärnfysik med Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Yata – Intelligent systems to improve and support education
Weak and rare nuclear processes: nuclear probes of fundamental symmetries and dark matter
Discovering Dark Matter Particles in the Laboratory
Ab initio approach to nuclear structure and reactions (++) (ANSR)