Michael Landzelius
Showing 18 publications
Förväntningar, oförutsägbarheter och framgångar i komplexa projekt
Real Estate Ownership Concentration and Urban Governance
Damkorsetter, elektriska rakhyvlar och manliga arkitekters andliga onani
Women's Corsets, Electric Razors and Male Architects' Spiritual Masturbation
Spatial Reification, or, Collectively Embodied Amnesia, Aphasia, and Apraxia
'Homo Sacer' Out of Left Field: Communist "Slime" as Bare Life in 1930s and Second World War Sweden
Commemorative Dis(re)membering: Erasing Heritage, Spatializing Disinheritance
Disinheritance Politics: Spatializing Abject Histories of World War II Sweden
Layers of Meaning, Layers of Space: City Strolling and the Museum Gaze
Contested Representations: Signification in the Built Environment
A House of Commons? Symbolic Excavations of a Museum cum Villa cum Tombstone
Kungsportsavenyen 29: Damkorsetter, modernism och arkitekters andliga onani
Dis(re)membering Spaces: Swedish Modernism in Law Courts Controversy
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