Mohammadali Kadivar

Showing 12 publications


High Precision Micro-Grinding of Advanced Materials

Mohammadali Kadivar
Doctoral thesis

The role of specific energy in micro-grinding of titanium alloy

Mohammadali Kadivar, Bahman Azarhoushang, Uta Klement et al
Precision Engineering. Vol. 72, p. 172-183
Journal article

Modeling of micro-grinding forces considering dressing parameters and tool deflection

Mohammadali Kadivar, Bahman Azarhoushang, Peter Krajnik
Precision Engineering. Vol. 67, p. 269-281
Journal article

Performance of micro-grinding pins with different bonding while micro-grinding Si3N4

Sergey Shamray, Mohammadali Kadivar, Amir Daneshi et al
International Journal of Abrasive Technology. Vol. 10 (1), p. 16-31
Journal article

Surface integrity in micro-grinding of Ti6Al4V considering the specific micro-grinding energy

Mohammadali Kadivar, Bahman Azarhoushang, Amir Daneshi et al
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 87, p. 13-18
Paper in proceeding

High-speed high-efficient grinding of CMCs with structured grinding wheels

Bahman Azarhoushang, Mohammadali Kadivar, Robert Bösinger et al
International Journal of Abrasive Technology. Vol. 9 (1), p. 1-15
Journal article

Laser-assisted micro-grinding of Si3N4

Mohammadali Kadivar, Sergey Shamray, Soheil Soltani et al
Precision Engineering. Vol. 60, p. 394-404
Journal article

Micro-grinding of titanium

Mohammadali Kadivar
Licentiate thesis

The effect of dressing parameters on micro-grinding of titanium alloy

Mohammadali Kadivar, B. Azarhoushang, S. Shamray et al
Precision Engineering. Vol. 51, p. 176-185
Journal article

High-speed high-efficient grinding of CMCs with structured grinding wheels

Bahman Azarhoushang, Mohammadali Kadivar, Robert Bösinger et al
ISAAT 2018 - 21st International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology
Paper in proceeding

Modeling of the micro-grinding process considering the grinding tool topography

Mohammadali Kadivar, Ali Zahedi, Bahman Azarhoushang et al
ISAAT 2017 - Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology, p. 1017-1026
Paper in proceeding

Modelling of the micro-grinding process considering the grinding tool topography

Mohammadali Kadivar, Ali Zahedi, Bahman Azarhoushang et al
International Journal of Abrasive Technology. Vol. 8 (2), p. 157-170
Journal article

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