Petter Mostad

Professor at Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Petter Mostad's main focus of interest is Bayesian statistics. He has worked with graphical models and neural networks, but also with a number of application areas such as forensic genetics, forensic statistics, and biostatistics/bioinformatics, and earlier also within geostatistics. A particular area of work is likelihood computations for pedigrees, which are used for example in paternity DNA testing. He has co-published the free software Familias, and also several R packages.

Image of Petter Mostad

Showing 54 publications


FamLink2 - A comprehensive tool for likelihood computations in pedigrees analyses involving linked DNA markers accounting for genotype uncertainties

Daniel Kling, Petter Mostad, Andreas Tillmar
Forensic Science International: Genetics. Vol. 74
Journal article

Improved Spectral Norm Regularization for Neural Networks

Anton Johansson, Niklas Engsner, Claes Strannegård et al
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 13890 LNCS, p. 181-201
Paper in proceeding

Improved computations for relationship inference using low-coverage sequencing data

Petter Mostad, Andreas O Tillmar, Daniel Kling
BMC Bioinformatics. Vol. 24 (1)
Journal article

Ecosystem Models Based on Artificial Intelligence

Claes Strannegård, Niklas Engsner, Jesper Eisfeldt et al
34th Workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society, SAIS 2022
Paper in proceeding

Exact spectral norm regularization for neural networks

Anton Johansson, Niklas Engsner, Claes Strannegård et al

Slope and Generalization Properties of Neural Networks

Anton Johansson, Niklas Engsner, Claes Strannegård et al
34th Workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society, SAIS 2022
Paper in proceeding

Mathematically optimal decisions in forensic age assessment

Petter Mostad, Andreas Schmeling, Fredrik Tamsen
International Journal of Legal Medicine. Vol. 136 (3), p. 765-776
Journal article

Application of the Bayesian framework for forensic interpretation to casework involving postmortem interval estimates of decomposed human remains

M.G. Andersson, Ann Sofie Ceciliason, Håkan Sandler et al
Forensic Science International. Vol. 301, p. 402-414
Journal article

Surveillance of animal diseases through implementation of a Bayesian spatio-temporal model: A simulation example with neurological syndromes in horses and West Nile Virus

Ronny Hedell, M.G. Andersson, Céline Faverjon et al
Preventive Veterinary Medicine. Vol. 162, p. 95-106
Journal article

Error rates for unvalidated medical age assessment procedures

Petter Mostad, Fredrik Tamsen
International Journal of Legal Medicine. Vol. 133 (2), p. 613-623
Journal article

Determining the optimal forensic DNA analysis procedure following investigation of sample quality

Ronny Hedell, J. Hedman, Petter Mostad
International Journal of Legal Medicine. Vol. 132 (4), p. 955-966
Journal article

Statistisk modell påvisar felmarginaler i åldersbedömningar

Petter Mostad, Fredrik Tamsen
Läkartidningen. Vol. 115 (48), p. 1991-1991
Other text in scientific journal

Detection probability models for bacteria, and how to obtain them from heterogeneous spiking data. An application to Bacillus anthracis

Ronny Hedell, O. Stephansson, Petter Mostad et al
International Journal of Food Microbiology. Vol. 241, p. 78-88
Journal article

Relationship Inference with Familias and R

Thore Egeland, Daniel Kling, Petter Mostad

Exact Inference on Conditional Linear Γ-Gaussian Bayesian Networks.

Ivar Simonsson, Petter Mostad
Journal of Machine Learning Research. Vol. 52 (2016), p. 474-486
Journal article

Stationary mutation models

Ivar Simonsson, Petter Mostad
Forensic Science International: Genetics. Vol. 23, p. 217-225
Journal article

Enhanced low-template DNA analysis conditions and investigation of allele dropout patterns

Ronny Hedell, C. Dufva, R. Ansell et al
Forensic Science International: Genetics. Vol. 14, p. 61-75
Journal article

A general model for likelihood computations of genetic marker data accounting for linkage, linkage disequilibrium, and mutations

Daniel Kling, Andreas O Tillmar, Thore Egeland et al
International Journal of Legal Medicine. Vol. 129 (5), p. 943-954
Journal article

Choosing supplementary markers in forensic casework

Andreas O Tillmar, Petter Mostad
Forensic Science International: Genetics. Vol. 13, p. 128-133
Journal article

A phylogenetic comparative method for studying multivariate adaptation

Krzysztof Bartoszek, Jason Pienaar, Petter Mostad et al
Journal of Theoretical Biology. Vol. 314, p. 204-215
Journal article

Using Object Oriented Bayesian Networks to Model Linkage, Linkage Disequilibrium and Mutations between STR Markers

Daniel Kling, Thore Egeland, Petter Mostad
PLoS ONE. Vol. 7 (9), p. artikel nr e43873-
Journal article

Response to: DNA identification by pedigree likelihood ratio accommodating population substructure and mutations

Thore Egeland, A Philip Dawid, Julia Mortera et al
Investigative Genetics. Vol. 2 (7)
Journal article

Using X-chromosomal markers in relationship testing: Calculation of likelihood ratios taking both linkage and linkage disequilibrium into account

Andreas O Tillmar, T Egeland, Bertil Lindblom et al
Forensic Science International: Genetics. Vol. 5 (5), p. 506-511
Journal article

Analysis of linkage and linkage disequilibrium for eight X-STR markers

Andreas O Tillmar, Petter Mostad, Thore Egeland et al
Forensic Science International: Genetics. Vol. 3 (1), p. 37-41
Journal article

Some Applications of Bayesian Statistics

Petter Mostad
New Direkctions in the Mathematical and Computer Sciences (G.O.S. Ekhaguere, C.R. Nwozo, eds.), p. 47-74
Book chapter

Empirical Bayes models for multiple probe type microarrays at the probe level

MAGNUS ÅSTRAND, Petter Mostad, Mats Rudemo
BMC Bioinformatics. Vol. 9
Journal article

DNA-testing for immigration cases: the risk of erroneous conclusions

AO Karlsson, G Holmlund, T Egeland et al
Forensic science international. Vol. 172 (2-3), p. 144-9
Journal article

Improved Covariance Matrix Estimators for Weighted Analysis of Microarray Data

MAGNUS ÅSTRAND, Petter Mostad, Mats Rudemo

Improved Covariance Matrix Estimators for Weighted Analysis of Microarray Data

MAGNUS ÅSTRAND, Petter Mostad, Mats Rudemo
Journal of Computational Biology. Vol. 14 (10), p. 1353-1367
Journal article

Glomerulus-specific mRNA transcripts and proteins identified through kidney expressed sequence tag database analysis

L He, Y Sun, Jaakko Patrakka et al
Kidney International. Vol. 71 (9), p. 889-900
Journal article

HeliCis: a DNA motif discovery tool for colocalized motif pairs with periodic spacing.

E. G. Larsson, Per Lindahl, Petter Mostad
BMC Bioinformatics. Vol. 8 (1), p. 418-
Journal article

Empirical Bayes Models for Multiple Probe Type Arrays at the Probe Level

MAGNUS ÅSTRAND, Petter Mostad, Mats Rudemo

Large-scale identification of genes implicated in kidney glomerulus development and function.

Minoru Takemoto, Liqun He, Jenny Norlin et al
EMBO Journal. Vol. 25 (5), p. 1160-74
Journal article

Predictive screening for regulators of conserved functional gene modules (gene batteries) in mammals

Sven Nelander, E. G. Larsson, Erik Kristiansson et al
BMC Genomics. Vol. 6 (1)
Journal article

Design of improved membrane protein production experiments: Quantitation of the host response

Nicklas Bonander, Kristina Hedfalk, Christer Larsson et al
Protein Science. Vol. 14, p. 1729-1740
Journal article

The Quest for a Donor: Probability Based Methods Offer Help.

Petter Mostad, Thore Egeland, Robert G. Cowell et al

FINEX, FAMILIAS: two different approaches for the analysis of defective paternity cases

M Dobosz, Petter Mostad, Robert G. Cowell et al
International Congress Series. Vol. 1261, p. 65-66
Journal article

Prediction of cell type-specific gene modules: identification and initial characterization of a core set of smooth muscle-specific genes.

Sven Nelander, Petter Mostad, Per Lindahl
Genome Research. Vol. 13 (8), p. 1838-54
Journal article

Quantitative real-time PCR method for detection of B-lymphocyte monoclonality by comparison of κ and λ immunoglobulin light chain expression

Anders Ståhlberg, Pierre Åman, Börje Ridell et al
Clinical Chemistry. Vol. 49 (1), p. 51-59
Journal article

A clustering algorithm using DNA marker information for sub-pedigree reconstruction

Robert G. Cowell, Petter Mostad
Journal of Forensic Sciences. Vol. 48 (6), p. 1239-48
Journal article

Stochastic Structural Modeling

Lars Holden, Petter Mostad, Björn Fredrik Nielsen et al
Mathematical Geology. Vol. 35 (8), p. 899-914
Journal article

Estimating the number of contributors to a DNA profile

Thore Egeland, Ingvild Dalen, Petter Mostad
International Journal of Legal Medicine. Vol. 117 (5), p. 271-275
Journal article

DNA microarray analysis of transforming growth factor-β and related transcripts in nasal biopsies from patients with allergic rhinitis

Mikael Benson, Björn Carlsson, Lena M S Carlsson et al
Cytokine. Vol. 18 (1), p. 20-25
Journal article

Havana — a fault modeling tool

Hollund Knut, Petter Mostad, Björn Fredrik Nielsen et al
Norwegian Petroleum Society Special Publications. Vol. 11, p. 157-171
Journal article

Statistical Genetics and Genetical Statistics: a Forensic Perspective

Thore Egeland, Petter Mostad
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. Vol. 29 (2), p. 297-307
Journal article

Variance models for microarray data

Mats Rudemo, Tatsiana Lobovkina, Petter Mostad et al

Estimation of Gross Rock Volume of Filled Geological Structures With Uncertainty Measures

Petter Abrahamsen, Ragnar Hauge, Knut Heggland et al
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering. Vol. 3 (4)
Journal article

Beyond traditional paternity and identification cases: Selecting the most probable pedigree

Thore Egeland, Petter Mostad, Bente Mevåg et al
Forensic Science International. Vol. 110 (1), p. 47-59
Journal article

Variogram estimation in a Bayesian framework

Petter Mostad, Thore Egeland, Nils Lid Hjort et al
Geostatistics Wollongong 96 - Proceedings of the Fifth International Geostatistics Congress, Wollongong, Australia, September 1996
Paper in proceeding

An overview of different techniques to quantify uncertainties on global statistics for geostatistical modelling

P. Y. Biver, Petter Mostad, A. Guillou
Geostatistics Wollongong 96 - Proceedings of the Fifth International Geostatistics Congress, Wollongong, Australia, September 1996
Paper in proceeding

Tallfesting av beviskraften i DNA

Thore Egeland, Bente Mevåg, Margurethe Stenersen et al
Nordisk Rettsmedisin. Vol. 4, p. 87-91
Journal article

Uncertain cap rock geometry, spill point, and gross rock volume

Petter Abrahamsen, Ragnar Hauge, Knut Heggland et al
Proceedings - SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. Vol. Omega, p. 723-729
Paper in proceeding

A computerized method for calculating the probability of pedigrees from genetic data

Thore Egeland, Petter Mostad, Björnar Olaisen
Science & Justice. Vol. 37, p. 269-274
Journal article

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Showing 2 research projects


Applications of forensic statistics

Petter Mostad Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Matematiska Vetenskaper


Improving Bayesian Network computational and modeling methods, with applications in forensics

Petter Mostad Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Ivar Simonsson Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

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