Petter Mostad
Petter Mostad's main focus of interest is Bayesian statistics. He has worked with graphical models and neural networks, but also with a number of application areas such as forensic genetics, forensic statistics, and biostatistics/bioinformatics, and earlier also within geostatistics. A particular area of work is likelihood computations for pedigrees, which are used for example in paternity DNA testing. He has co-published the free software Familias, and also several R packages.

Showing 54 publications
Improved Spectral Norm Regularization for Neural Networks
Improved computations for relationship inference using low-coverage sequencing data
Ecosystem Models Based on Artificial Intelligence
Exact spectral norm regularization for neural networks
Slope and Generalization Properties of Neural Networks
Mathematically optimal decisions in forensic age assessment
Error rates for unvalidated medical age assessment procedures
Determining the optimal forensic DNA analysis procedure following investigation of sample quality
Statistisk modell påvisar felmarginaler i åldersbedömningar
Exact Inference on Conditional Linear Γ-Gaussian Bayesian Networks.
Enhanced low-template DNA analysis conditions and investigation of allele dropout patterns
Choosing supplementary markers in forensic casework
A phylogenetic comparative method for studying multivariate adaptation
Analysis of linkage and linkage disequilibrium for eight X-STR markers
Some Applications of Bayesian Statistics
Empirical Bayes models for multiple probe type microarrays at the probe level
DNA-testing for immigration cases: the risk of erroneous conclusions
Improved Covariance Matrix Estimators for Weighted Analysis of Microarray Data
Improved Covariance Matrix Estimators for Weighted Analysis of Microarray Data
HeliCis: a DNA motif discovery tool for colocalized motif pairs with periodic spacing.
Empirical Bayes Models for Multiple Probe Type Arrays at the Probe Level
Large-scale identification of genes implicated in kidney glomerulus development and function.
Predictive screening for regulators of conserved functional gene modules (gene batteries) in mammals
Design of improved membrane protein production experiments: Quantitation of the host response
The Quest for a Donor: Probability Based Methods Offer Help.
FINEX, FAMILIAS: two different approaches for the analysis of defective paternity cases
A clustering algorithm using DNA marker information for sub-pedigree reconstruction
Stochastic Structural Modeling
Estimating the number of contributors to a DNA profile
Havana — a fault modeling tool
Statistical Genetics and Genetical Statistics: a Forensic Perspective
Variance models for microarray data
Estimation of Gross Rock Volume of Filled Geological Structures With Uncertainty Measures
Beyond traditional paternity and identification cases: Selecting the most probable pedigree
Variogram estimation in a Bayesian framework
Tallfesting av beviskraften i DNA
Uncertain cap rock geometry, spill point, and gross rock volume
A computerized method for calculating the probability of pedigrees from genetic data
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Showing 2 research projects
Applications of forensic statistics
Improving Bayesian Network computational and modeling methods, with applications in forensics