Nikolaos Stathopoulos

Showing 7 publications


Design tool for thermal energy storage in buildings

Nikolaos Stathopoulos, Pär Johansson, Angela Sasic Kalagasidis et al
Proceedings of 12th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change, p. 249-257
Paper in proceeding

Development and validation of the numerical model of an innovative PCM based thermal storage system

L. Roccamena, M. El Mankibi, Nikolaos Stathopoulos
Journal of Energy Storage. Vol. 24
Journal article

Experimental test bed design and development for PCM-water exchangers characterization

L. Roccamena, M. El Mankibi, Nikolaos Stathopoulos
Sustainable Cities and Society. Vol. 37, p. 241-249
Journal article

Numerical calibration and experimental validation of a PCM-Air heat exchanger model

Nikolaos Stathopoulos, Mohamed El Mankibi, Mattheos Santamouris
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 114, p. 1064-1072
Journal article

Review of natural ventilation models

M.-H. Johnson, Z. Zhai, M. El Mankibi et al
International Journal of Ventilation. Vol. 15, p. 186-204
Journal article

Air–PCM heat exchanger for peak load management: Experimental and simulation

Nikolaos Stathopoulos, M. El Mankibi, R. Issoglio et al
Solar Energy. Vol. 132, p. 453-466
Journal article

Optimization of an Air-PCM heat exchanger and elaboration of peakpower reduction strategies

Mohamed El Mankibi, Nikolaos Stathopoulos, Niousha Rezai et al
Energy and Buildings. Vol. 106, p. 74-86
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Demonstration plant for cold storage in phase change materials

Pär Johansson Building Technology
Angela Sasic Kalagasidis Building Technology
Pepe Tan Building Technology
Nikolaos Stathopoulos Building Technology
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

5 publications exist
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