Nima Hajiabdolrahim

Showing 3 publications


Reliable Modeling of RF Mixers in I/Q Modulators: Experimental Validation and Parameter Extraction

Nima Hajiabdolrahim, Koen Buisman, Siqi Wang et al
IEEE Transactions on Communications. Vol. 73 (1), p. 187-199
Journal article

A Real-Valued 4D Memory Polynomial Algorithm for Mixer Modeling

Nima Hajiabdolrahim, Siqi Wang, Christian Fager et al
2021 51st European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2021, p. 325-328
Paper in proceeding

An extended kalman filter framework for joint phase noise, CFO and sampling time error estimation

Nima Hajiabdolrahim, Sina Rezaei Aghdam, Thomas Eriksson
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC. Vol. 2020-August
Paper in proceeding

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