Anna-Johanna Klasander
Anna Johanna Klasander took her MSc in architecture at Chalmers in 1997, and finished her PhD here in 2004 with the thesis Suburban Navigation. Structural coherence and visual appearance in urban design. After almost ten years as a practitioner she came back to the division of Urban Design and Planning in 2014; since then she splits her time between Chalmers and White arkitekter.
Her main professional interest is urban design and human settlements (of any size) as form and phenomenon, issues that she has addressed at Chalmers as well as at Gothenburg City Planning Office, where she worked for three years, and at White arkitekter, where she is director of R&D.
She has regularly contributed to the professional discourse with essays, crits, lectures, panel discussions, workshops and so on. After three yeas as head of division her main duty now is teaching, particularly at bachelor level, and some research. The main objective for her engagement is that architects need to develop knowledge and skills to describe, analyse and design the built environment, so that our profession can contribute with our particular competence to a livable and more sustainable society.

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Suburban Navigation Structural Coherence and Visual Appearance in Urban Design
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