Olle Jerker Ramnäs

Showing 31 publications


An experimental parametric study of VOC from flooring systems exposed to alkaline solutions

A. Sjoberg, Olle Jerker Ramnäs
Indoor Air. Vol. 17 (6), p. 450-457
Journal article

Insulating performance of flexible pipes

Camilla Persson, Ulf Jarfelt, Olle Jerker Ramnäs et al
10th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling
Journal article

Thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam - Best performance

Ulf Jarfelt, Olle Jerker Ramnäs
10th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling
Paper in proceeding

PET and PUR foam insulated District Heating Pipes

Sara Mangs, Olle Jerker Ramnäs, Camilla Persson et al
Euroheat and Power/Fernwarme International. Vol. 3 (1), p. 26-31
Magazine article

Environmental performance of district heating in suburban areas compared with heat pump and pellets furnace

Morgan Fröling, Hans Bengtsson, Olle Jerker Ramnäs
10th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling, September 3-5, 2006, Hanover, Germany
Other conference contribution

Mass transport of cell gases in carbon dioxide blown PET (polyethylene terephthtalate) foam insulation

Sara Mangs, Olle Jerker Ramnäs, Ulf Jarfelt
Cellular Polymers. Vol. 24, p. 115-126
Journal article

PET (polyethylene terephthtalate) foam as insulation material for district heating pipes

Sara Mangs, Olle Jerker Ramnäs, Ulf Jarfelt
Proceedings of The 9th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling, Espoo Finland, August 30-31, 2004
Paper in proceeding

Specific volatile hydrocarbons in smoke from oxidative pyrolysis of softwood pellets

Maria Olsson, Olle Jerker Ramnäs, Göran Petersson
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. Vol. 71 (2), p. 847-854
Journal article

Comparison of Long-Term Thermal Performance of Polyurethane Foam Blown with HFC-365mfc and Cyclopentane

Ulf Jarfelt, Camilla Holmgren, Stefan Forsaeus Nilsson et al
Polyurethanes Conference 2002
Conference poster

Determination of Dicumyl Peroxide in Workplace Air

Anders Spetz, Magdalena Svanström, Olle Jerker Ramnäs
The Annals of Occupational Hygiene. Vol. 46 (7), p. 637-641
Journal article

Diffusion of cyclopentane in polyurethane foam at different temperatures and implications for district heating pipes

Maria E. Olsson, Ulf Jarfelt, Morgan Fröling et al
Journal of Cellular plastics. Vol. 38, p. 177-188
Journal article

Environmental aspects on heat losses from district heating pipes – a comparison between single and twin pipes

Morgan Fröling, Sara Mangs, Olle Jerker Ramnäs et al
8th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling, August 14-16, 2002, Trondheim, Norway
Other conference contribution

Transport of 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluorobutane (HFC-365mfc) in rigid polyurethane foam and polyethylene

Sara Mangs, Morgan Fröling, Olle Jerker Ramnäs et al
Cellular Polymers. Vol. 21, p. 155-164
Journal article

The polyethylene casing as diffusion barrier for polyurethane insulated district heating pipes

Morgan Fröling, Olle Jerker Ramnäs, Maria Olsson et al
Cellular Polymers. Vol. 20 (1), p. 37-47
Journal article

Life cycle assessment of a catalytic converter for passenger cars

Wathanyu Amatayakul, Olle Jerker Ramnäs
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 9 (5), p. 395-403
Journal article

Methoxyphenols from burning of Scandinavian forest plant materials

Jennica Kjällstrand, Olle Jerker Ramnäs, Göran Petersson
Chemosphere. Vol. 41, p. 735-741
Journal article

Insulation of district heating pipes - Environmental aspects of the blowing agent of polyurethane foam.

Morgan Fröling, Ulf Jarfelt, Olle Jerker Ramnäs
7th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling, May 18-20, 1999, Lund, Sweden
Other conference contribution

Carbon Dioxide Diffusion in District Heating Pipes

Magdalena Svanström, Morgan Fröling, Olle Jerker Ramnäs et al
Cellular Polymers. Vol. 18, p. 103-115
Journal article

Gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric analyses of 36 lignin-related methoxyphenols from uncontrolled combustion of wood

Jennica Kjällstrand, Olle Jerker Ramnäs, Göran Petersson
Journal of Chromatography A. Vol. 824, p. 205-210
Journal article

Determination of effective diffusion coefficients in rigid polyurethane foam

Magdalena Svanström, Olle Jerker Ramnäs, Maria Olsson et al
Cellular Polymers. Vol. 16, p. 182-193
Journal article

Isoprene from expired air inside a private car

Susan Björkqvist, Anders Spetz, Olle Jerker Ramnäs et al
The science of the total environment. Vol. 207, p. 63-67
Journal article

Mass transfer of carbon dioxide through the polyethylene casing of district heating pipes

Magdalena Svanström, Olle Jerker Ramnäs, Maria E. Olsson et al
Journal of Thermal Insulation and Building Envelopes. Vol. 21, p. 171-184
Journal article

Determination of the Blowing Agent Distribution in Rigid Polyurethane Foam

Magdalena Svanström, Olle Jerker Ramnäs
Journal of Cellular Plastics. Vol. 32, p. 159-171
Journal article

Gas chromatographic separation of volatile furans from birchwood smoke

Gunnar Barrefors, Susan Björkqvist, Olle Jerker Ramnäs et al
Journal of Chromatography A. Vol. 753, p. 151-155
Journal article

A Method for Analysing the Gas Phase in Polyurethane Foam

Magdalena Svanström, Olle Jerker Ramnäs
Journal of Cellular Plastics. Vol. 31, p. 375-388
Journal article

Ambient solvent hydrocarbons from the gluing of table tennis bats.

Olle Jerker Ramnäs, Gunnar Barrefors, Göran Petersson
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry. Vol. 47, p. 1-6
Journal article

Characterization of sixty alkenes in a cat-cracked gasoline naphtha by gas chromatography

Olle Jerker Ramnäs, Ulf Östermark, Göran Petersson
Chromatographia. Vol. 38, p. 222-226
Journal article

CFC in used and new polyurethane foams

Olle Jerker Ramnäs, Magdalena Svanström
Nordic Seminar: CFC-free Insulation Techniques, Dansk Teknologisk Institut, Aarhus, Denmark, Sept 6-7, 1993
Other conference contribution

Assessment by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry of hexenes emitted to air

Olle Jerker Ramnäs, Ulf Östermark, Göran Petersson
Journal of Chromatography. Vol. 638, p. 65-69
Journal article

Selective assessment of C2-C6 alkenes in air by adsorption sampling and gas chromatography

Lars Löfgren, Rolf Nordlinder, Pia M Berglund et al
Journal of environmental analytical chemistry. Vol. 45, p. 39-44
Journal article

Exposure to benzene at different workplaces in Sweden

Rolf Nordlinder, Olle Jerker Ramnäs
The Annals of Occupational Hygiene. Vol. 31 (3), p. 345-355
Journal article

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