Patrick Moldenhauer
Showing 30 publications
Operational experiences of chemical-looping combustion with 18 manganese ores in a 300W unit
Influence of heat treatment on manganese ores as oxygen carriers
Chemical-looping combustion of synthetic biomass-volatiles with manganese-ore oxygen carriers
Chemical-looping technologies using circulating fluidized bed systems: Status of development
CO2 Capture from Combustion of Biomass Volatiles with a Chemical-Looping Combustion Process
Testing of innovative Fe- and Ca-Mn-based oxygen carriers with natural gas in continuous operation
Chemical-looping combustion with heavy liquid fuels in a 10 kW pilot plant
Upscaling chemical looping combustion for enhanced oil recovery
Chemical-Looping Technologies using Circulating Fluidized Bed Systems: Status of Development
Chemical-Looping Combustion with Fuel Oil in a 10 kW Pilot Plant
Chemical-Looping Combustion with Liquid Fuels
Chemical-Looping Combustion with Liquid Fuels
Chemical-Looping Combustion with Liquid Fuel — Operation in a 300W Chemical-Looping Combustor
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