Per Medbo

Lecturer at Supply and Operations Management

Per Medbo is a lecturer at the Division of Supply and Operations Management.

Image of Per Medbo

Showing 28 publications


Digital Tools and Information Needs Assessment for Efficient Deviation Handling in SMEs

Zuhara Chavez, Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge, Monica Bellgran et al
Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. Vol. 13, p. 24-35
Paper in proceeding

Simulating operator learning during production ramp-up in parallel vs. serial flow production

Patrick Neumann, Per Medbo
International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 55 (3), p. 845-857
Journal article

Safety stock determination during production transfer

Anna M K Fredriksson, Mats Johansson, Per Medbo
22 nd International Annual EurOMA Conference, Neuchâtel, June 28 - July 1, 2015.
Paper in proceeding

Avenues of entry: how industrial engineers and ergonomists access and influence human factors and ergonomics issues

Cecilia Berlin, Per Medbo, Nancy Theberge et al
European Journal of Industrial Engineering. Vol. 8 (3), p. 325-348
Journal article

Assembly station design: A quantitative comparison of the effects of kitting and continuous supply

Robin Hanson, Lars Medbo, Per Medbo
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. Vol. 23 (3), p. 315-327
Journal article

Applicability of pull control principles in non-typical pull environments

Per Medbo, Mats Johansson
Proceedings of the 17th International EurOMA Conference, Porto, June 6-9, 2010
Paper in proceeding

Assembly station design - a quantitative comparison of the effects of kitting and continuous supply

Robin Hanson, Lars Medbo, Per Medbo
Proceedings of the 17th International EurOMA Conference, Porto, June 6-9, 2010
Paper in proceeding

Utilising the potential of combining local and global supply chains

Anna M K Fredriksson, Patrik Jonsson, Per Medbo
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications. Vol. 13 (4), p. 313-326
Journal article

Integrating human factors into discrete event simulations of parallel flow strategies.

Per Medbo, Patrick Neumann
Production Planning and Control. Vol. 20 (1), p. 3-16
Journal article

Quantifying the Performance Improvement Potential of Foliated Transportation Networks

Joakim Kalantari, Per Medbo
Nofoma 2009, Jönköping 10-12 June
Paper in proceeding

Materials planning strategy impact on phase-out performance - a case study in the automotove industry

Carl Wänström, Patrik Jonsson, Per Medbo
Proceedings of the annual NOFOMA conference '06
Paper in proceeding

Can assembly performance and work environment be jointly optimized? An example discreet event simulation study in Human aspects of advanced manufacturing.

W. P. Neumann, Per Medbo
Agility and Hybrid Automation. San Diego, USA.
Other conference contribution

Arbete och Hälsa

Steve Kihlberg, Helena Franzon, Jan Fröberg et al

A Simulation Study of the Demand Impact on the Phase-out Performances

Carl Wänström, Patrik Jonsson, Per Medbo
The 11th Annual International EUROMA Conference - Operations Management as a Change Agent, Fontainebleau, France, 27-29 June 2004, ed. by Luk N. Van Wassenhove et al., p. 799-808
Other conference contribution

Ergonomics and productivity consequences in adopting a line-based production system

W. P. Neumann, J Winkel, R. Magneberg et al
Proceedings of the XVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association and The 7th Joint Conference of Ergonomics Society of Korea /Japan Ergonomics Society, Seoul, Korea, August 24 - 29, 2003
Other conference contribution

A case study evaluating the ergonomic and productivity impacts of partial automation strategies in the electronics industry

W. P. Neumann, Steve Kihlberg, Per Medbo et al
International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 40 (16), p. 4059-4975
Magazine article

Engineering Change from a Logistics Perspective

Carl Wänström, Per Medbo, Mats Johansson
Collaboration in logistics : connecting islands using information technology : conference proceedings / NOFOMA 2001, 14-15 June, Reykjavík, Iceland ; Gunnar Stefansson, ed., Bernhard Tilanus, ed.
Other conference contribution

Integrate Ergonomics into Production System Design

Steve Kihlberg, Per Medbo, J Winkel
16th International Conference on Production Research : ICPR - 16 ; 29 July - 3 August 2001, Prague, Czech Republic, Editors: D. Hanus an Talácko, J.
Other conference contribution

Integrating production engineering and ergonomics in production system design

S.E. Mathiassen, Helena Franzon, Steve Kihlberg et al
Ergonomics for the New Millenium : proceedings of the XIVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association and 44th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics society, July 29 through August 4, 2000, San Diego, California USA.. Vol. 5, p. 501-504
Other conference contribution

Kompetens och lärande i arbetet - ett projekt vid Volvo Bussar AB, Boråsfabriken

Marita Christmansson, Anders Edström, Lars Medbo et al

Förstå och förbättra leverantörskedjans flexibilitet

Birgitta Öjmertz, Barbro Lagerholm, Per Medbo

Representative video recordings for synchronized collection of ergonomic and production data in an assembly system

Steve Kihlberg, Karin Flyckt, Helena Franzon et al
Ergonomics for the New Millenium : proceedings of the XIVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association and 44th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics society, July 29 through August 4, 2000, San Diego, California USA. Vol. 5, p. 245-248
Other conference contribution

Data Collection and Analysis of Manual Work Using Video Recording and Personal Computer Techniques

Tomas Engström, Per Medbo
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. Vol. 19 (4), p. 291-298
Journal article

Aspects on input to material flow analyses

Per Medbo, Mats Johansson
Proceedings of the 14th ICPR Conference, Osaka, 1997
Paper in proceeding

Materials flow effectiveness in press operations

Mats Johansson, Per Medbo
Proceedings of the 13th ICPR Conference, Jerusalem, 1997.
Paper in proceeding

Inter-Relation Between Product Variant Codification and Assembly Work for Flexible Manufacturing in Autonomous Group

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Per Medbo et al
Journal of Materials Processing Technology. Vol. 52, p. 133 - 140
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


ASPIRE - Automation solutions for production deviation management

Per Medbo Supply and Operations Management
Mats Johansson Supply and Operations Management
Lars Medbo Supply and Operations Management

1 publication exists
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