Theofanis Psomas

Showing 14 publications


Influence of indoor environmental quality and dwelling satisfaction aspects on overall satisfaction: Findings from a Swedish national survey

Theofanis Psomas, Pavlos Kolias, Despoina Teli et al
E3S Web of Conferences. Vol. 396
Paper in proceeding

Ventilation strategies and children's perception of the indoor environment in Swedish primary school classrooms

Natalia Giraldo Vasquez, G. Beko, Pawel Wargocki et al
Building and Environment. Vol. 240
Journal article

Using data-driven indoor temperature setpoints in energy simulations of existing buildings: A Swedish case study

Despoina Teli, Jan-Olof Dalenbäck, Theofanis Psomas et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1196 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Indoor climate and air quality: does occupants’ assessment reflect the measured conditions?

Despoina Teli, Theofanis Psomas, Sarka Langer
17th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2022
Paper in proceeding

Does Gender Matter in Perception of Indoor Environmental Quality? Findings From A Swedish National Survey

Theofanis Psomas, Paul O’ Sullivan, Sarka Langer et al
Proceedings of Indoor Air 2022
Paper in proceeding

Ventilation strategies and indoor air quality in Swedish primary school classrooms

Blanka Cabovska, G. Beko, Despoina Teli et al
Building and Environment. Vol. 226
Journal article

Does Gender Matters in Perception of Indoor Environmental Quality? Findings From A Swedish National Survey

Theofanis Psomas, Paul O'Sullivan, Sarka Langer et al
17th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2022
Paper in proceeding

Indoor humidity of dwellings in a northern climate

Theofanis Psomas, Despoina Teli, Sarka Langer et al
REHVA Journal. Vol. 06/2021, p. 37-40
Magazine article

Drivers of winter indoor temperatures in Swedish dwellings: Investigating the tails of the distribution

Despoina Teli, Theofanis Psomas, Sarka Langer et al
Building and Environment. Vol. 202
Journal article

Låg luftfuktighet i svenska bostäder – ett problem?

Jan-Olof Dalenbäck, Lars Ekberg, Sarka Langer et al
Energi & miljö. Vol. 10
Magazine article

Low Relative Humidity, a Problem or Not in Swedish Dwellings?

Theofanis Psomas, Despoina Teli, Sarka Langer et al
Paper in proceeding

Indoor humidity of dwellings and association with building characteristics, behaviors and health in a northern climate

Theofanis Psomas, Despoina Teli, Sarka Langer et al
Building and Environment. Vol. 198
Journal article

I-CUB: 'Indoor Climate-Users-Buildings': Relationship between measured and perceived indoor air quality in dwellings

Sarka Langer, Theofanis Psomas, Despoina Teli
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 2069 (1)
Paper in proceeding

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