Henrik Ramebäck
Showing 44 publications
Application of a Monte Carlo method to the uncertainty assessment in in situ gamma-ray spectrometry
Gamma spectrometry in the ITWG CMX-4 exercise
Uncertainties in calculated correction factors for true coincidence-summing (TCS)
Crystal structure of radium sulfate: An X-ray powder diffraction and density functional theory study
On the accuracy of gamma spectrometric isotope ratio measurements of uranium
Equivalence of computer codes for calculation of coincidence summing correction factors - Part II
A laboratory exercise on systematic effects in gamma ray spectrometry
Characterization of HPGe detectors using Computed Tomography
Characterization of strong 241Am sources
Using Short-lived Radionuclides to Estimate Rates of Soil Motion in Frost Boils
Solubility of Radium and Strontium Sulfate across the Temperature Range of 0 to 300℃
Recrystallization of Ra-223 with barium sulfate
Characterization of strong 241Am sources
On the categorization of uranium materials using low resolution gamma ray spectrometry
A study of the Arrhenius behavior of the co-precipitation of radium, barium and strontium sulfate
Radon capture with silver exchanged zeolites
Uncertainty assessment in gamma spectrometric measurements of plutonium isotope ratios and age
Gammaspektrometrisk analys av plutonium: isotopsammansättning och ålder
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Showing 1 research projects