Ella Rebalski

Showing 6 publications


Too Far? Autonomous vehicles, travel demand, and carbon dioxide emissions in Sweden

Ella Rebalski, Daniel Johansson
European Transport Studies. Vol. 1
Journal article

Brace for impacts: Perceived impacts and responses relating to the state of connected and autonomous vehicles in Gothenburg

Ella Rebalski, Marco Adelfio, Frances Sprei et al
Case Studies on Transport Policy. Vol. 15
Journal article

Transitional behavioral intention to use autonomous electric car-sharing services: Evidence from four European countries

Riccardo Curtale, Feixiong Liao, Ella Rebalski
Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies. Vol. 135
Journal article

Too much pressure? Driving and restraining forces and pressures relating to the state of connected and autonomous vehicles in cities

Ella Rebalski, Marco Adelfio, Frances Sprei et al
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Vol. 13
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Engaging Stakeholders For A Co-created Transition Agenda Towards Connected Autonomous Vehicles As Sustainable Transportation System

Frances Sprei Physical Resource Theory
Marco Adelfio Urban Design and Planning
Daniel Johansson Physical Resource Theory
Ella Rebalski Physical Resource Theory 2

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