Ren Qiu

Showing 17 publications


Facet identification in textured polycrystalline coatings by EBSD-aided SEM trace analysis

Ren Qiu, L. von Fieandt, Jan Engqvist et al
Materials Characterization. Vol. 209
Journal article

Role of surface morphology on bed material activation during indirect gasification of wood

Robin Faust, Ali Valizadeh, Ren Qiu et al
Fuel. Vol. 333
Journal article

High temperature deformation of polycrystalline C40 Mo(Si,Al)<inf>2</inf>

Aina Edgren, E. Strom, Ren Qiu et al
Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. Vol. 849
Journal article

Schmid factor analysis for chip flow induced plastic deformation of textured cubic carbonitride coatings

Ren Qiu, Siamak Shoja, L. von Fieandt et al
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. Vol. 108
Journal article

Low-pressure CVD of (Tix,W1-x)Ny from WF6, TiCl4 and NH3

Johan Gerdin Hulkko, Ren Qiu, Olof Bäcke et al
Surface and Coatings Technology. Vol. 438
Journal article

Real-time imaging of Na+ reversible intercalation in "Janus" graphene stacks for battery applications

Jinhua Sun, Matthew Sadd, Philip Edenborg et al
Science advances. Vol. 7 (22)
Journal article

Inhibiting Effect of Heterogeneous Cations Aggregation Enhanced by Oxygen deficiency on Glass formation of BaTi2O5 melts

Xuan Ge, Jun Xu, Qiaodan Hu et al
Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Vol. 104 (12), p. 6207-6226
Journal article

CVD TiAlN coatings with tunable nanolamella architectures

Ren Qiu, Olof Bäcke, Dirk Stiens et al
Surface and Coatings Technology. Vol. 413
Journal article

Selective kinetic growth and role of local coordination in forming Al 2 TiO 5 -based coatings at lower temperatures

Sebastian Öhman, Ren Qiu, Tomas Edvisson et al
Materials Advances. Vol. 2 (17), p. 5737-5751
Journal article

Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance of Ba8Ga16Ge30 Clathrate by Modulation Doping and Improved Carrier Mobility

Yifei Zhang, Joakim Brorsson, Ren Qiu et al
Advanced Electronic Materials. Vol. 7 (2)
Journal article

Atom probe tomography investigation of 3D nanoscale compositional variations in CVD TiAlN nanolamella coatings

Ren Qiu, Hisham Aboulfadl, Olof Bäcke et al
Surface and Coatings Technology. Vol. 426
Journal article

Kinetics of the low-pressure chemical vapor deposited tungsten nitride process using tungsten hexafluoride and ammonia precursors

Johan Gerdin Hulkko, Katalin Böőr, Ren Qiu et al
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A. Vol. 39 (6), p. 063403-
Journal article

Chemical vapor deposition of TiN on a CoCrFeNi multi-principal element alloy substrate

Katalin Böör, Ren Qiu, Axel Forslund et al
Surface and Coatings Technology. Vol. 393
Journal article

Effects of gas flow on detailed microstructure inhomogeneities in LPCVD TiAlN nanolamella coatings

Ren Qiu, Axel Forslund, Olof Bäcke et al
Materialia. Vol. 9
Journal article

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