Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam

Showing 31 publications


Development of a High-Efficiency Circularly Polarized Ka-Band Satcom Antenna Utilizing Ridge-loaded U-shaped Radiator

Raha Roosefid, Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Lukas Nystrom et al
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. Vol. In Press
Journal article

A 2 × 2 Ka-Band Wideband Circularly Polarized Sub-Array Antenna Based on U-shaped Slots and Gap Waveguide Technology

Raha Roosefid, Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Lukas Nystrom et al
2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2023
Paper in proceeding

Dual-Polarized Highly Folded Bowtie Antenna with Slotted Self-Grounded Structure for Sub-6 GHz 5G Applications

Mohammad Alibakhshikenari, Bal Singh Virdee, Chan Hwang See et al
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. Vol. 70 (4), p. 3028-3033
Journal article

A Contactless Feeding Network Design Using MetaCoax Coupler

Prabhat Khanal, Xadia Catalina Perez Anguiano, Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam et al
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, AP-S/URSI 2022 - Proceedings, p. 1760-1761
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of a Random Line-of-Sight Over-the-Air Measurement Setup at 28 GHz

Madeleine Schilliger Kildal, Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Jan Carlsson et al
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. Vol. 69 (8), p. 5008-5020
Journal article

High-performance UWB mmWave smart bowtie array antenna technology for 5G access and backhauling systems

Jian Yang, Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Tianling Zhang et al
2020 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2020, p. 243-244
Paper in proceeding

Millimeter-Wave Ultrawideband Circularly Polarized Planar Array Antenna Using Bold-C Spiral Elements with Concept of Tightly Coupled Array

Tianling Zhang, Lei Chen, Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam et al
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. Vol. 69 (4), p. 2013-2022
Journal article

Ultra-wideband linearly polarised planar bowtie array antenna with feeding network using dielectric-based inverted microstrip gap waveguide

Tianling Zhang, Lei Chen, Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam et al
IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation. Vol. 14 (6), p. 485-490
Journal article

Fully-Planar Ultrawideband Tightly-Coupled Array (FPU-TCA) with Integrated Feed for Wide-Scanning Millimeter-Wave Applications

Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Jian Yang, Ashraf Uz Zaman
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. Vol. 68 (9), p. 6591-6601
Journal article

Verification of the Random Line-of-Sight Measurement Setup at 1.5-3 GHz including MIMO Throughput Measurements of a Complete Vehicle

Madeleine Schilliger Kildal, Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Aidin Razavi et al
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Vol. 69 (11), p. 13165-13179
Journal article

Wideband Sub-6 GHz Self-Grounded Bow-Tie Antenna with New Feeding Mechanism for 5G Communication Systems

Mohammad Alibakhshikenari, Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Ashraf Uz Zaman et al
13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2019. Vol. March 2019
Paper in proceeding

A Method of Reducing Mutual Coupling Using an Extra Coupling Path

Lei Chen, Tianling Zhang, Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam et al
13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2019
Paper in proceeding

Antenna Designs Aiming at the Next Generation of Wireless Communication

Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam
Doctoral thesis

Ultrawide Band Tightly-Coupled Aperture Magneto-Electric Dipole Array over 20 - 40 GHz

Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Ashraf Uz Zaman, Jian Yang et al
13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2019
Paper in proceeding

Wideband Dual-polarized Array Antenna on Dielectric-based Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide

Tianling Zhang, Lei Chen, Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam et al
13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2019
Paper in proceeding

Ultra-wideband Circularly Polarized Planar Array Antenna Using Single-Arm-Spiral Elements and Dielectric-based IMGW

Tianling Zhang, Lei Chen, Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam et al
2019 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2019 - Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

A Planar Single-Polarized Ultra-Wideband Antenna Element for Millimeter-Wave Phased Array

Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Jian Yang, Andres Alayon Glazunov et al
Paper in proceeding

A planar dual-polarized ultra-wideband millimeter-wave array antenna

Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Jian Yang, Andres Alayon Glazunov
IET Conference Publications. Vol. 2018 (CP741)
Paper in proceeding

PCB Based UWB mm-Wave Smart Capped Bowtie Array for 5G Communication Systems

Jian Yang, Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Ashraf Uz Zaman et al
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, p. 631-632
Paper in proceeding

Wideband Dual-Polarized Linear Array Antenna for Random-LOS OTA Measurement

Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Andres Alayon Glazunov, Jian Yang
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. Vol. 66 (5), p. 2365-2373
Journal article

Characterization method of an automotive random-LOS OTA measurement setup

Aidin Razavi, Andres Alayon Glazunov, Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam et al
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C. Vol. 84, p. 47-60
Journal article

Ultra-Wideband Millimeter-Wave Bowtie Antenna

Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Jian Yang, Andres Alayon Glazunov
2017 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation. Vol. 2017-January
Paper in proceeding

Improvement of an octave bandwidth bowtie antenna design based on the analysis of a MIMO efficiency metric in random-LOS

Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Andres Alayon Glazunov, Per-Simon Kildal et al
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. Vol. 59 (6), p. 1229-1233
Journal article

Semi-omnidirectional dual-polarized wideband multiport antennas for MIMO applications in Random-LOS and RIMP

Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Andres Alayon Glazunov, Jian Yang et al
2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EUCAP 2017, p. 636-639
Paper in proceeding

Simulating the MIMO Efficiency of Antennas

Andres Alayon Glazunov, Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Jian Yang
Paper in proceeding

A self-grounded dual-polarized wideband bowtie with improved MIMO performance in Random-LOS

Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Per-Simon Kildal, Andres Alayon Glazunov et al
2016 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, APSURSI 2016 - Proceedings, p. 531-532
Paper in proceeding

Comparison of 2-bitstream polarization-MIMO performance of 2 and 4-port bowtie antennas for LTE in random-LOS

Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Andres Alayon Glazunov, Jian Yang et al
2015 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2015
Paper in proceeding

Zero-forcing MIMO efficiency in random line-of-sight

Andres Alayon Glazunov, Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam
2016 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, APSURSI 2016, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, 26 June - 1 July 2016, p. 331-332
Paper in proceeding

Designing a dual-polarized octave bandwidth bowtie antenna for a linear array

Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Per-Simon Kildal, Andres Alayon Glazunov et al
2016 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2016, p. Art. no. 7481892-
Paper in proceeding

Impact of the Spatial User Distribution on the Coverage Antenna Pattern of Maximum Ratio Combining in Random Line-Of-Sight

Andres Alayon Glazunov, Per-Simon Kildal, Jan Carlsson et al
9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, 13-17 May 2015
Paper in proceeding

Double broadband balun structure using CRLH TL for differential excitation of dual-polarized self-grounded bow-tie antenna

Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, John Kvarnstrand, Andres Alayon Glazunov et al
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. Vol. 2015-January (2015), p. 1966-1970
Paper in proceeding

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