Sarah Newton
Showing 35 publications
Effect of energetic ions on edge-localized modes in tokamak plasmas
Pellet Rocket Effect in Magnetic Confinement Fusion Plasmas
From injection to deposition - capturing the drift of ablated pellet material in a tokamak
Runaway electron dynamics in ITER disruptions with shattered pellet injections
Runaway dynamics in reactor-scale spherical tokamak disruptions
Hot-Tail Runaway Seed Landscape during the Thermal Quench in Tokamaks
Effects of magnetic perturbations and radiation on the runaway avalanche
Overview of new MAST physics in anticipation of first results from MAST Upgrade
Collisional transport of heavy impurities with flux-surface density variation in stellarators
Effect of partially-screened nuclei on fast-electron dynamics
Edge momentum transport by neutrals: an interpretive numerical framework
Neoclassical study of the isotope effect in density pedestals
Impurity Transport in a Mixed-Collisionality Stellarator Plasma
Momentum transport by neutrals: Effect of kinetic coupling
Impurity transport and bulk ion flow in a mixed collisionality stellarator plasma
Stellarator bootstrap current and plasma flow velocity at low collisionality
Kinetic effects of partially screened impurities in runaway-electron mitigation scenarios
Isotope and mixture effects on neoclassical transport in the pedestal
Neoclassical flows in deuterium-helium plasma density pedestals
Neoclassical impurity transport in stellarators
Plasma rotation from momentum transport by neutrals in tokamaks
Impurity transport and plasma flow in a mixed collisionality stellarator plasma
Edge rotation from momentum transport by neutrals
Kinetic modelling of runaways in fusion plasmas
Edge momentum transport by neutrals
A European Effort for Kinetic Modelling of Runaway Electron Dynamics
Numerical calculation of ion runaway distributions
Reaction of runaway electron distributions to radiative processes
Numerical calculation of ion runaway distributions
Numerical calculation of ion runaway distributions
Alfvénic Instabilities Excited by Runaways
Alfvénic instabilities driven by runaways in fusion plasmas
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Showing 1 research projects
Research for future fusion reactors: using or avoiding impurities