Sergio Costa

Showing 11 publications


Development and validation of a finite deformation fibre kinking model for crushing of composites

Sergio Costa, Martin Fagerström, R. Olsson
Composites Science and Technology. Vol. 197
Journal article


Martin Fagerström, Johannes Främby, Sergio Costa et al
Other conference contribution

Validation and improvements of a mesoscale finite element constitutive model for fibre kinking growth

Sergio Costa, Martin Fagerström, Renaud Gutkin et al
ECCM 2018 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials
Paper in proceeding

Improvement and validation of a physically based model for the shear and transverse crushing of orthotropic composites

Sergio Costa, Thomas Bru, Robin Olsson et al
Journal of Composite Materials. Vol. 53 (12), p. 1681-1696
Journal article

Mesh objective implementation of a fibre kinking model for damage growth with friction

Sergio Costa, R. Gutkin, R. Olsson
Composite Structures. Vol. 168, p. 384-391
Journal article

Validation of a novel model for the compressive response of FRP: experiments with different fibre orientations

Thomas Bru, Robin Olsson, Gaurav Vyas et al
ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials. Vol. 2017-August
Paper in proceeding

Validation of a novel model for the compressive response of FRP: Numerical simulation

Sergio Costa, André Portugal, R. Olsson et al
ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials. Vol. 2017-August
Paper in proceeding

Finite element implementation of a model for longitudinal compressive damage growth with friction

Sergio Costa, R. Gutkin, R. Olsson
ECCM 2016 - Proceeding of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials
Paper in proceeding

A physically based model for kink-band growth and longitudinal crushing of composites under 3D stress states accounting for friction

Renaud Gutkin, Sergio Costa, Robin Olsson
Composites Science and Technology. Vol. 135, p. 39-45
Journal article

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