Shaswati Chowdhury

Showing 11 publications


Transforming brownfields into urban greenspaces: A working process for stakeholder analysis

Shaswati Chowdhury, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Marco Adelfio et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 18 (1)
Journal article

A risk management framework for Gentle Remediation Options (GRO)

Paul David Drenning, Shaswati Chowdhury, Yevheniya Volchko et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 802
Journal article

Session summary - The accelerating need for Urban Green Spaces (UGS) in cities and how to best accommodate it

Shaswati Chowdhury, Paul David Drenning, Yevheniya Volchko et al
Other conference contribution

Enhancing ecosystem services at urban brownfield sites - What value does contaminated soil have in the built environment?

Paul David Drenning, Jenny Norrman, Shaswati Chowdhury et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 588 (5)
Paper in proceeding

Greening the Browns: A Bio-Based Land Use Framework for Analysing the Potential of Urban Brownfields in an Urban Circular Economy

Shaswati Chowdhury, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Marco Adelfio et al
Sustainability. Vol. 12 (15)
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Opportunities for preparing urban contaminated land for bio-based production

Jenny Norrman Geology and Geotechnics
Jaan-Henrik Kain Urban Design and Planning
Yevheniya Volchko Geology and Geotechnics
Shaswati Chowdhury Geology and Geotechnics
Marco Adelfio Urban Design and Planning

11 publications exist
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