Evangelos Siminos
Showing 17 publications
Parametric study of laser wakefield driven generation of intense sub-cycle pulses
Enhanced target normal sheath acceleration using colliding laser pulses
Proton acceleration by a pair of successive ultraintense femtosecond laser pulses
Enhanced target normal sheath acceleration of protons using multiple laser pulses
Origins of plateau formation in ion energy spectra under target normal sheath acceleration
Stochastic heating in laser interaction with ultra-thin foils
Relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell modelling using finite volumes and adaptive mesh refinement
Relativistic quasi-solitons and embedded solitons with circular polarization in cold plasmas
Estimating dimension of inertial manifold from unstable periodic orbits
Modeling ultrafast shadowgraphy in laser-plasma interaction experiments
Continuous symmetry reduction for transport-dominated flows
Localization of extreme light: relativistic solitons, quasi-solitons and breathers
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