Simonas Marcisauskas

Showing 7 publications


Draft genome sequences of five fungal strains isolated from Kefir

Simonas Marcisauskas, Yongkyu Kim, Sonja Blasche et al
Microbiology Resource Announcements. Vol. 10 (21)
Journal article

A consensus S. cerevisiae metabolic model Yeast8 and its ecosystem for comprehensively probing cellular metabolism

Hongzhong Lu, Feiran Li, Benjamín José Sánchez et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 10 (1)
Journal article

Metagenomic analysis of bile salt biotransformation in the human gut microbiome

Promi Das, Simonas Marcisauskas, Boyang Ji et al
BMC Genomics. Vol. 20 (1)
Journal article

Univariate and classification analysis reveals potential diagnostic biomarkers for early stage ovarian cancer Type 1 and Type 2

Simonas Marcisauskas, Benjamin Ulfenborg, Björg Kristjansdottir et al
Journal of Proteomics. Vol. 196, p. 57-68
Journal article

Reconstruction and analysis of a Kluyveromyces marxianus genome-scale metabolic model

Simonas Marcisauskas, Boyang Ji, Jens B Nielsen
BMC Bioinformatics. Vol. 20 (1)
Journal article

RAVEN 2.0: A versatile toolbox for metabolic network reconstruction and a case study on Streptomyces coelicolor

Hao Wang, Simonas Marcisauskas, Benjamin José Sanchez Barja et al
PLoS Computational Biology. Vol. 14 (10), p. e1006541-
Journal article

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