Sining An

Showing 21 publications


Modulator and Demodulator Solutions for Real-Time Communication Toward 100 Gb/s: Realtime Modem Solution towards 100 Gb/s

Zhongxia Simon He, Sining An, Herbert Zirath
IEEE Microwave Magazine. Vol. 24 (8), p. 35-49
Journal article

Millimeter-Wave Multi-Channel Backscatter Communication and Ranging with an FMCW Radar

Sining An, Xiangyuan Bu, Henk Wymeersch et al
Sensors. Vol. 22 (19)
Journal article

Radar Cross-Section Characterization of the Car In-Cabin Environment at Sub-THz Frequencies

Victor Pettersson, Sining An
2022 19th European Radar Conference, EuRAD 2022, p. 269-272
Paper in proceeding

An MPSK Millimeter-Wave Point-to-Point Link With Radio Over Fiber Synchronous Baseband Receiver

Weidong Zhang, Sining An, Jianping An et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 40 (2), p. 481-489
Journal article


Victor Pettersson, Sining An
IET Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2022 (17), p. 26-31
Journal article

Low-Cost mmWave Metallic Waveguide Based on Multilayer Integrated Vertical-EBG Structure and its Application to Slot Array Antenna Design

Cheng Jin, Jianhong Chen, Binchao Zhang et al
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. Vol. 70 (3), p. 2205-2213
Journal article

A Novel Synchronization Method in Terahertz Large-Scale Antenna Array System

Z. H.E.N.G. Chen, D. I.N.G. Xuhui, L. I.U. Dekang et al
Chinese Journal of Electronics. Vol. 30 (5), p. 956-968
Journal article

Ultra-Wide-Angle Bandpass Frequency Selective Surface

Cheng Jin, Qihao Lv, Binchao Zhang et al
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. Vol. 69 (9), p. 5673-5681
Journal article

Variable High Precision Wide D-Band Phase Shifter

Zhongxia Simon He, Sining An, Jinlin Liu et al
IEEE Access. Vol. 8, p. 140438-140444
Journal article

Micrometer Accuracy Phase Modulated Radar for Distance Measurement and Monitoring

Sining An, Zhongxia Simon He, Jianguo Li et al
IEEE Sensors Journal. Vol. 20 (6), p. 2919-2927
Journal article

OFDM Radar Range Accuracy Enhancement Using Fractional Fourier Transformation and Phase Analysis Techniques

Jianguo Li, Sining An, Jianping An et al
IEEE Sensors Journal. Vol. 20 (2), p. 1011-1018
Journal article

Coded Pilot Assisted Baseband Receiver for High Data Rate Millimeter-Wave Communications

Sining An, Zhongxia Simon He, Jianguo Li et al
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. Vol. 68 (11), p. 4719-4727
Journal article

A D-band Dual-Mode Dynamic Frequency Divider in 130nm SiGe Technology

Sining An, Zhongxia Simon He, Franz Dielacher et al
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. Vol. 30 (12), p. 1169-1172
Journal article

Integrated-EBG Ridge Waveguide and Its Application to an E-Band Waveguide 32×32 Slot Array Antenna

Zhongxia Simon He, Cheng Jin, Sining An et al
IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation. Vol. 1, p. 456-463
Journal article

Nongalvanic Generic Packaging Solution Demonstrated in a Fully Integrated D-Band Receiver

Ahmed Adel Hassona, Vessen Vassilev, Ashraf Uz Zaman et al
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. Vol. 10 (3), p. 321-330
Journal article

A power detector based on GaN high-electron-mobility transistors for a gigabit on–off keying demodulator at 90 GHz

Tongde Huang, Sining An, Johan Bergsten et al
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 58 (SC)
Journal article

A Synchronous Baseband Receiver for High-Data-Rate Millimeter-Wave Communication Systems

Sining An, Zhongxia Simon He, J. J. Chen et al
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. Vol. 29 (6), p. 412-414
Journal article

An 8 Gbps E-band QAM Transmitter Using Symbol-based Outphasing Power Combining Technique

Sining An, Zhongxia Simon He, Jingjing Chen et al
Radio-Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT2017), p. 150-152
Paper in proceeding

A 40 Gbps DQPSK Modem for Millimeter-wave Communications

Sining An, Jingjing Chen, Zhongxia Simon He et al
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings APMC 2015. Vol. 1
Paper in proceeding

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