Jan Stevens
Jan Stevens' research centers on singularity theory in the framework of algebraic or analytic geometry. Emphasis lies on curves and normal surface singularities, and how they can be deformed.
Jan Stevens uses computer algebra for explicit computations, which can lead to new, interesting examples or point to general results.
Showing 33 publications
On nonnegatively graded Weierstrass points
The dimension of the moduli space of pointed algebraic curves of low genus
Dijkstra, Thâbit ibn Qurra and Pythagoras
Tutorial on Tom and Jerry: The two smoothings of the anticanonical cone over P(1; 2; 3)
Conjectures on Stably Newton Degenerate Singularities
Non-embeddable 1-convex manifolds
On the classification of rational surface singularities
The Versal Deformation of Cyclic Quotient Singularities
Computing Versal Deformations of Singularities with Hauser's Algorithm.
Universal abelian covers of superisolated singularities
Wiskundig onderzoek per computer?
Sextic surfaces with ten triple points
Poincare series and zeta function for an irreducible plane curve singularity
Ряд Пуанкаре и дзета-функция особенностей неприводимых плоских кривых
Some adjacencies to cusp singularities
Higher cotangent cohomology of rational surface singularities
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