Maria Sunnerstam

Showing 12 publications


Design considerations for virtual laboratories: A comparative study of two virtual laboratories for learning about gas solubility and colour appearance

Beata Stahre Wästberg, Thommy Eriksson, Göran Karlsson et al
Education and Information Technologies. Vol. 24 (3), p. 2059-2080
Journal article

Joint reasoning about gas solubility in water in modified versions of a virtual laboratory

Göran Karlsson, Thommy Eriksson, Maria Sunnerstam et al
10th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, CSCL 2013; Madison, WI; United States; 15 June 2013 through 19 June 2013. Vol. 2, p. 283-284
Paper in proceeding

Att utveckla nätverk för IKT-pedagogik inom högre utbildning

Thommy Eriksson, Maria Sunnerstam
Other conference contribution

Who’s in charge? – controlling course production at Chalmers and University of Gothenburg

Thommy Eriksson, Elisabeth Saalman, Maria Sunnerstam
Konferens om undervisning och lärande
Other conference contribution

Unlock the rigidity and design for flexibility

Maria Spante, Thommy Eriksson, Maria Sunnerstam et al
US-China Education Review. Vol. 7 (11)
Magazine article

Environmental Science Investigation using a virtual lab

Thommy Eriksson, Göran Karlsson, Maria Sunnerstam
Engineering Education in Sustainable Development
Paper in proceeding

Environmental Science Investigation using a virtual lab

Thommy Eriksson, Göran Karlsson, Maria Sunnerstam et al
Paper presented at the Engineering Education for Sustainable Development 2010 conference (EESD’10), Göteborg
Other conference contribution

The Need for Efficient and Flexible Educational Imagery- When Ambitious Visualization Products meed the Context of Actual Learning Situations

Maria Spante, Thommy Eriksson, Maria Sunnerstam et al
Proceeding of International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Education
Paper in proceeding

Environmental Science Investigation – Challenges and opportunities

Thommy Eriksson, Maria Sunnerstam
All our futures 2008, 9 september 2008, Plymouth
Other conference contribution

The next step in social networking software – the global coffee machine

Thommy Eriksson, Maria Sunnerstam
Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts (DIMEA), 11 september 2008, Athen
Paper in proceeding

Hands-On Possibilities and Experiences in Biology Education (bioHOPE)

Thommy Eriksson, Maria Sunnerstam, Bengt Petersson et al

Virtual Labs Implementation of Interactive Media for High School Science

Cammy Huang- DeVoss, Thommy Eriksson, Maria Sunnerstam et al

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