Carl Thelin

Showing 10 publications


Structural Definition and Comparison of Early Medieval Roof Structures

Carl Thelin, Kristina Linscott
6th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Construction, Bath 2008. Vol. 1, p. 121-128
Paper in proceeding

Horizontal support of historic roof structures: Design and structural efficiency

Carl Thelin, Karl-Gunnar Olsson
Journal of Architectural Engineering. Vol. 14 (1), p. 18-24
Journal article

Medieval Roof Structures in Sweden

Carl Thelin
Traditional & Innovative Materials & Techniques in the Conservation of Historic Structures
Other conference contribution

Static Behaviour of a Historic Roof Structure

Carl Thelin, Karl-Gunnar Olsson
Journal of Architectural Engineering. Vol. 11 (2), p. 39-49
Journal article

Investigating causes of damages to historical timber structures by use of FEM

Carl Thelin, Karl-Gunnar Olsson
Structural analysis of historical constructions: possiblities of numerical and experimental techniques / edited by Claudio Modena, Paulo B. Lourenco, Pere Roca. Vol. 2, p. 1429-
Paper in proceeding

Visualisering av verkningssätt och historiska bärverk

Carl Thelin
Kulturarvsdialog : IT-stöd för reflektion om samtid och framtid.
Book chapter

Use of static eigenmodes in mechanical design

Karl-Gunnar Olsson, Carl Thelin

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