Tor Kihlman
Showing 17 publications
Noise responses before and after noise abatement measures in a residential intervention project
Introduction to traffic noise abatement
Noise Policy-integration with climate and natural resource policies
Noise policy - integration with climate and natural resource policies
Sound environment as a global issue-perspectives on global noise policy
40-45 dB-Criteria for a good sound environment in urban areas
Ljudlandskap för bättre hälsa. Beskrivning och sammanfattning av ombyggnadsprojektet i Partille
Ljudlandskap för bättre hälsa. Resultat och slutsatser från ett multidisciplinärt forskningsprogram
Noise as a constraining factor in 21st century urbanization
Reduction potential of road traffic noise – A Pilot Study
Experiences of implementation of soundscapes in policies
Soundscape Support to Health: Final Report Phase 1
Monitoring the long-term development of the community noise situation.
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