Nico Torino

Doktorand at Energy and Material image

Showing 8 publications


Ceramic fuel cells using novel proton-conducting BaCe<inf>0.5</inf>Zr<inf>0.3</inf>Y<inf>0.1</inf>Yb<inf>0.05</inf>Zn<inf>0.05</inf>O<inf>3-δ</inf> electrolyte

A. Afif, N. Radenahmad, Habibur Seikh Mohammad Rahman et al
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. Vol. 26 (1), p. 111-120
Journal article

Structure-conductivity relationship of PrBaMnMoO<inf>6-δ</inf> through in-situ measurements: A neutron diffraction study

Shammya Afroze, Nico Torino, Md Sumon Reza et al
Ceramics International. Vol. 47 (1), p. 541-546
Journal article

Neutron and X-ray powder diffraction data to determine the structural properties of novel layered perovskite PrSrMn2O5+δ

Shammya Afroze, Nico Torino, Paul Henry et al
Data in Brief. Vol. 29
Journal article

Local Coordination Environments and Vibrational Dynamics of Protons in Hexagonal and Cubic Sc-Doped BaTiO3 Proton-Conducting Oxides

Adrien Perrichon, Nico Torino, Erik Jedvik Granhed et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 124 (16), p. 8643-8651
Journal article

Insight of novel layered perovskite PrSrMn2O5+δ: A neutron powder diffraction study

Shammya Afroze, Nico Torino, Paul Henry et al
Materials Letters. Vol. 261
Journal article

The influence of cation ordering, oxygen vacancy distribution and proton siting on observed properties in ceramic electrolytes: the case of scandium substituted barium titanate

Nico Torino, Paul Henry, Christopher Knee et al
Dalton Transactions. Vol. 46 (26), p. 8387-8398
Journal article

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