Torbjörn Ylipää
Torbjörn Ylipää research and teaches in the areas of maintenance, reliability and security. He's since 2000 Licentiate of Engineering.

Showing 13 publications
Prioritisation of root cause analysis in production disturbance management
Production disturbances handling: Where are we and where are we heading?
Dealing with resistance to the use of Industry 4.0 technologies in production disturbance management
Identification of maintenance improvement potential using OEE assessment
Handling of Production Disturbances in the Manufacturing Industry
Planning of Maintenance Activities – A current state mapping in industry
Lean Principles and Engineering Tools in Maintenance Organizations - A Survey Study
Production Disturbance Handling from an Operative Perspective in Advanced Manufacturing Systems
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Showing 4 research projects
DFusion - Disturbance Data Fusion
Data-driven disturbance handling (D3H)
DAIMP - Data Analytics in Maintenance Planning
Streamlined Modeling and Decision Support for Fact-based Production Development (StreaMod)