Varun Gowda Palahalli Ramesh

Doctoral Student at Product Development

Image of Varun Gowda Palahalli Ramesh

Showing 3 publications


Development of production and environmental platforms for the European aggregates and minerals industries

Gauti Asbjörnsson, Adam Sköld, Kanishk Bhadani et al
Minerals Engineering. Vol. 206 (2024)
Journal article

Environmental performance of recycled aggregates from secondary sources: A case study on Norwegian site

Varun Gowda Palahalli Ramesh, Kanishk Bhadani, Gauti Asbjörnsson et al
Other conference contribution

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Showing 3 research projects


EPD tool for lifecycle perspective for aggregate production (EPD Berg 3)

Erik Hulthén Product Development
Gauti Asbjörnsson Product Development
Christina Lee Product Development
Varun Gowda Palahalli Ramesh Product Development


Educational Platform For The Analysis Of The Life Cycle Of Treatments Based On Nanoparticles Applied To The Construction Industry (NanOER)

Christina Lee Product Development
Gauti Asbjörnsson Product Development
Varun Gowda Palahalli Ramesh Product Development
European Commission (EC)


Rotate - Circular, Ecological, Essential and Critical Raw Materials

Kanishk Bhadani Product Development
Gauti Asbjörnsson Product Development
Varun Gowda Palahalli Ramesh Product Development
European Commission (EC)

2 publications exist
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