Vera Lisovskaja

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Showing 18 publications


Optimization of Two-Phase Sampling Designs with Application to Naturalistic Driving Studies

Henrik Imberg, Vera Lisovskaja, Selpi Selpi et al
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 23 (4), p. 3575-3588
Journal article

Portable battery lifespans and new estimation method for battery collection rate based on a lifespan modeling approach

Yuliya Kalmykova, Per Eo Berg, Joao Patricio et al
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 120, p. 65-74
Journal article

Uncertainty in Material Flow Analysis Indicators at Different Spatial Levels

Joao Patricio, Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado et al
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 19 (5), p. 837-852
Journal article

Foot deformities, function in the lower extremities, and plantar pressure in patients with diabetes at high risk to develop foot ulcers

Ulla Hellstrand Tang, Roland Zügner, Vera Lisovskaja et al
Diabetic Foot and Ankle. Vol. 6 (1), p. 27593-
Journal article

How does glance behavior influence crash and injury risk? A ‘what-if’ counterfactual simulation using crashes and near-crashes from SHRP2

Jonas Bärgman, Vera Lisovskaja, Trent Victor et al
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Vol. 35, p. 152-169
Journal article

The outcome spectrum of multiple sclerosis: disability, mortality, and a cluster of predictors from onset

Helen Tedeholm, Bengt Skoog, Vera Lisovskaja et al
Journal of Neurology. Vol. 262 (5), p. 1148-1163
Journal article

Upper Respiratory Infections and MRI Activity in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis

Maria Kneider, Vera Lisovskaja, Jan Lycke et al
Neuroepidemiology. Vol. 45 (2), p. 83-89
Journal article

A decision theoretic approach to optimization of multiple testing procedures

Vera Lisovskaja, Carl-Fredrik Burman
Biometrical Journal. Vol. 57 (1), p. 64-75
Journal article

Comparison of plantar pressure in three types of insole given to patients with diabetes at risk of developing foot ulcers – A two-year, randomized trial

Ulla Hellstrand Tang, Roland Zügner, Vera Lisovskaja et al
Journal of Clinical and Translational Endocrinology. Vol. 1 (4), p. 121-132
Journal article

Clinically isolated syndromes with no further disease activity suggestive of multiple sclerosis at the age of population life expectancy

Lenka Novakova, Bengt Skoog, Björn Runmarker et al
Multiple Sclerosis. Vol. 20 (4), p. 496-500
Journal article

A Novel Fibrosis Index Comprising a Non-Cholesterol Sterol Accurately Predicts HCV-Related Liver Cirrhosis

Magdalena Ydreborg, Vera Lisovskaja, Martin Lagging et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 9 (4), p. artikel nr e93601-
Journal article

Time to secondary progression in patients with multiple sclerosis who were treated with first generation immunomodulating drugs.

Helen Tedeholm, Jan Lycke, Bengt Skoog et al
Multiple Sclerosis. Vol. 19 (6), p. 765-774
Journal article

On the choice of doses for phase III clinical trials

Vera Lisovskaja, Carl-Fredrik Burman
Statistics in Medicine. Vol. 32 (10), p. 1661-1676
Journal article

A Review of: Multiple Comparisons Using R, by F. Bretz, T. Hothorn, and P. Westfall

Vera Lisovskaja
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. Vol. 21 (4)
Magazine article

The dual test: Safeguarding p-value combination tests for adaptive designs

C. F. Burman, Vera Lisovskaja
Statistics in Medicine. Vol. 29 (7-8), p. 797-807
Journal article

A Review of: "Multiple Testing Problems in Pharmaceutical Statistics, by A. Dmitrienko, A. C. Tamhane, and F. Bretz (Eds.)".

Vera Lisovskaja, Carl-Fredrik Burman
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. Vol. 20 (6)
Magazine article

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