Viktor Stenberg

Showing 12 publications


Process Analysis of Chemical Looping Gasification of Biomass for Fischer-Tropsch Crude Production with Net-Negative CO2Emissions: Part 1

Tharun Roshan Kumar, Tobias Mattisson, Magnus Rydén et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 36 (17), p. 9687-9705
Journal article

Measurement of bed-to-tube surface heat transfer coefficient to a vertically immersed u-tube in bubbling loop seal of a CFB boiler

Viktor Stenberg, Fredrik Lind, Magnus Rydén
Powder Technology. Vol. 381, p. 652-664
Journal article

Experimental Investigation of Oxygen Carrier Aided Combustion (OCAC) with Methane and PSA Off-Gas

Viktor Stenberg, Magnus Rydén, Tobias Mattisson et al
Applied Sciences. Vol. 11 (1), p. 1-25
Journal article

Techno-economic analysis of processes with integration of fluidized bed heat exchangers for H2 production – Part 2: Chemical-looping combustion

Viktor Stenberg, Vincenzo Spallina, Tobias Mattisson et al
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol. 46 (50), p. 25355-25375
Journal article

Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Random Packings on Heat Transfer and Particle Segregation in Packed-Fluidized Bed

Nasrin Nemati, Pontus Andersson, Viktor Stenberg et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 60 (28), p. 10365-10375
Journal article

Techno-economic analysis of H2 production processes using fluidized bed heat exchangers with steam reforming – Part 1: Oxygen carrier aided combustion

Viktor Stenberg, Vincenzo Spallina, Tobias Mattisson et al
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol. 45 (11), p. 6059-6081
Journal article

Evaluation of bed-to-tube surface heat transfer coefficient for a horizontal tube in bubbling fluidized bed at high temperature

Viktor Stenberg, Viktor Sköldberg, Lovisa Öhrby et al
Powder Technology. Vol. 352, p. 488-500
Journal article

Improved Gas-Solids Mass Transfer in Fluidized Beds: Confined Fluidization in Chemical-Looping Combustion

Jesper Aronsson, Ewa Krymarys, Viktor Stenberg et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 33 (5), p. 4442-4453
Journal article

Exploring novel hydrogen production processes by integration of steam methane reforming with chemical-looping combustion (CLC-SMR) and oxygen carrier aided combustion (OCAC-SMR)

Viktor Stenberg, Magnus Rydén, Tobias Mattisson et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 74, p. 28-39
Journal article

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