Vikash Vikash
Vikash obtained his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, India and prior to joining Chalmers, he worked as a research associate at IIT Guwahati, India. As a postdoc at Chalmers, his research is focused on turbulence interface interaction in dispersed flows. The goal is to perform first principal simulations (high resolved CFD simulations) allow each eddy to be followed in space and time to learn how they approach and interact with the fluid particles. Vikash is a life associate member of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE).

Showing 13 publications
Nanoparticle de-agglomeration in viscous fluids using different high shear mixer geometries
Effect of stator geometries on flow fields and mixing performance for viscous fluids
Effect of tracer and fluid behavior on mixing performance of high shear mixers
Design and development of high shear mixers: Fundamentals, applications and recent progress
Ultrasonic-assisted de-agglomeration and power draw characterization of silica nanoparticles
Nanoparticle suspension in the viscous fluid using high shear mixing
Impact of mixed convective and radiative heat transfer in spiral-coiled tubes
Turbulent statistics of flow fields using large eddy simulations in batch high shear mixers
Mixing characterization in batch rotor-stator mixer
Multiphase fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics in microchannels
Larger eddy simulation (LES) for turbulent flows in complex channels
Hydrodynamics and mixing characterization in a high shear mixer
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